Monday morning coffee talk
Good Monday morning everyone! I hope that you have today off, some won't, but none the less, ENJOY your Memorial Day. REMEMBER what today is all about, our fallen Veterans who gave the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom...their lives.
My challenge to you today is to remember a veteran. Do a good deed to a veteran today. I like the old saying "Pin roses on them while they are alive" and in doing this, you can do some good deed today for a Veteran. You could also take flowers to a veteran's grave site. Just think of how great you would feel in doing this.
SO! Who's up? What cha sipping on? Me? I've just had my 2nd cup of Maxwell House regular and boy, was it good! I've been up an hour and I've read a chapter in the "good" book, washed a load of laundry, dried a load and also ran the dishwasher. I seem to get more done in the A.M. Let's hear from you this morning. What cha sipping on?
I hope you have an awesome Memorial Day, and remember a Vet! Randall