Friday morning coffee talk
Goooooooood morning everyone! Time to rise and shine! How'd you sleep? I didn't sleep too good last night. Dunno why.
I slept, but woke up several times. I'm wide awake though and not sleepy right now so that's a good thing.
My challenge for you today is to do a good thing for your neighbor. Cut their grass, take their paper to their front door for them, take the trash can from the street, make dinner for them, bake a cake, run to the store for them. Anything! I'm sure they'd love it and what would it make them think about you? We have an 87 year old little lady in our church and she was telling me Sunday about her yard and getting it spruced up. She said she took out some flowers because she had too many, and she put them in her neighbors flower bed while they were on vacation. What a neighbor! This little lady is SO active and is always going out of her way for those around her. So, let us be like Mrs. Rosie! Be good to your neighbor! See how it makes you feel!
Who's up??!???!? What cha sipping on? Coffee? Cappuccino? Protein Shake?
I hope you have a wonderful and blessed Friday!
thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself:
Leviticus 19:18