They Don't Understand!
Hi All,
My surgery date for the "band" is July 19th and some folks in my life, especially my wife, don't "get-it" why I can't just stop eating and lose weight on my own by trusting in God. There was a time when I didn't "get-it" either!
Whatever the cause is of addictive eating, I know that God can heal it, but usually God allows His natural order of things to prevail, and he gives us grace to get through them. God, in His wisdom, does not heal everyone of everything, no matter how strong their faith, otherwise none of us would ever get sick or die.
I choose to believe that the "band" is a God given tool to be used to help us bring our bodies and will back into subjection to His will for us, concerning food. Have any of you received opposition from others who just don't "get-it"??
I went for an RYN 3-years ago, which was aborted while I was under, on the table, because I had an arythmia. I believe that was devine intervention and a message from God that the bypass was not for me. Would you8 join me in prayer for my safety duting this procedure? Thank-you and bless you all!
Ron Cusano
Shiloh Ministries
I am not really surprised they don't understand. It happens a lot. It happened to me in my family when I had my surgery. I was asked why I wanted to do something so drastic. You have to remember that having this surgery is to save YOUR LIFE!!! God has given us medicine for a reason. This is a tool that we can use, but we much remember every day that we can't do it alone. We have to have HIS help. Every day is a battle. We will always want to eat...want to comfort ourselves, etc. We have to depend on HIM for changing our lives. The surgery is a tool that he gives us to do that. Those same people that are giving you a hard time will be praising you in a few months...saying how good you look. Some may treat you differently because they are jealous or whatever. You just have to be sure of who you are in Christ, and everything else will follow.
Take care,

Hello Brother Ron,
I to also have had the same question thrown at me about having this surgery, you are saved and why not use your faith, trust God. I even asked myself the same question. I even posted a suject about spiritual reservation, I got help through the response from my christian brothers and sisters on this forum.
some are us are stronger in different areas, that doesn't mean that God can't handle those areas. It simply mean that we are weak and need help in our weakness. I think everyone should examine themselves and ADMIT their weakness, then it wouldn't be room to critisize or say you are weak. God's strenght is made perfect in weakness. If all christian had all the faith, why do some need glasses, false teeth, take medicine, or use oral medicine. If some don't or never had to use these items, than pray for us that do. I thank for God for Dr's and for method's like gastric bypass to help us regain control of our life so that we can be healthier sevants of our Lord.
God bless you on your up coming surgery, I will pray for your safety as you go on to your weight loss journey. My surgery date is June 8, pray for me also, I to have some mixed feeling, but I trust God to see me through safely.
Thank-you Pooky!
I certainly agree! If we have a headache, we take an asprin. Of course, God could cure the headache, but God also provides us with the asprin to be used for our benefit, didn't He? God can also cure all manner of disease, but in His wisdom he provided doctors, procedures and medications to bless us with. When we get sick, do we just wait for devine healing, or do we use the means to be healed that God provided?
I view this procedure as a God given blessing to help me bring my body into subjection to His will for my life. God is good!
Love in Him,
Shiloh Ministries
I am very surprised that the Lord brought me to where I am, almost 7 weeks post-up. It was not the answer I expected, and it was He who blessed me with this surgery. I too thought that I could lose weight by faith, and sometimes He did help me to do so, but so often I ignored His help and ate anyway. Old habits are incredibly hard to break, and He knows that.
The Lord truly did lead me to where I am today. When I began considering the surgery again, I prayed and prayed, that if this was not His will, that he would close the doors, show me the error of my ways, keep me from taking the wrong path, He did not choose to do any of those things. He chose to open doors and allow my surgery to proceed.
He has blessed me beyond my imagination. For the first time in my life I am not struggling with the food demons in my mind. I am able to put my attention on conquering other weaknesses, and giving glory to God. He has freed me to spend my energies on my children, my home, my God given mission in life. It is not easy and the enemy is still after me, but Lord is with me and this surgery has allowed me to focus on better things!
He has blessed me indeed! Praise God! Thank the Lord, Jesus!
Heidi L-S