Monday morning coffee talk
Good Monday morning to my family. I sure hope you are up and at 'em ready to face the day and another week. It's going to be a great one!
My challenge for you today is to....Only let good words come from your lips today. Words that encourage and lift someone up. "Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers." (Ephesians 4:29 )
No criticizing, defaming, hateful words. ONLY GOOD ENCOURAGING WORDS TODAY! Hard one huh? WE CAN DO IT!
So! Who's up? What cha sipping on. Me? I'm having more Hawiian Hazelnut. Time to head back to Sam's club for more! It has lasted a good while!
Ya'll have a blessed, wonderful, and awesome Monday! Randall 

G'mornin' Randall!
I am sippin' on some good ol' tea this am. I got the kiddies off to school....well...all but one. I have a sick one home with me today. So, we are going to relax and rest today. I am up to your challenge today. It is a good one. Should have read it earlier....LOL....Dealing with a moody teenager this am (not the sick one) and HE was a trip!
Lord, help me with this one....I only have a few more years to mold him!!!!
Anyway, have a great day, Randall~~

Hi Randall, i am up for the challenge. i really need challenged too. Since I am only 3 weeks out from surgery I am still pretty needy and am asking my 4 kids and hubby for help all around the house. Unfortunately, I get a little negative when their work isn't done how I would do it. So I certainly accept the challenge. Today I am drinking Starbucks Decaf House Blend. Kim M.