Freezing all the time??????
Hi folks, I am about 3 and 1/2 weeks out from my RNY. I am freezing all the time. Last night I set the thermostat at 72 and went to bed in a turtle neck, pj bottoms, terry robe, and had a sheet, 2 blankets, comforter and another robe over me. Do you think I am sick? My temp ran 99 last night with an ear thermometer, but that doesn't seem much to be concerned about. My husband said my hands were like ice and I know my nose was cold. Any thoughts about this? Should I call my surgeon? I am 45 years old and usually get hot flashes and feel sick if I get very warm. NOT NOW THOUGH- I am so COLD>I feel fine otherwise. Kim M.
I'm 2 1/2 years out and it has only been within the last couple of months that I don't freeze all the time....AND I live in So. Florida where it's generally hot all the time.
It's a pretty common thing, but also keep in mind that you can have the same symptoms with make sure you're taking vits and iron if your doctor presribed it.

Hi Kim
I looked into this myself, because I too was freezing all the time!! I was told that it is because we aren't eating the same and we aren't producing a chemical called..ummm...ummmm creotine maybe?? I know it started with a C. Anyway, as with a lot of symptoms with WLS this too is "normal".
P.S. Hopefully it will be a great thing in the summer, lol!!