This is the day the Lord has made
Psalms 118:24......I WILL REJOICE and BE GLAD IN IT! Praise the Lord everyone and good morning! How'd you sleep last night!? I'm still sleepy.
I could go back and sleep a couple of more hours.
My challenge for you today is to get in all your protein and water! DON'T SLACK on those 2 things! They are BOTH very vital in losing and maintaining weight loss!
SO! Who's up? What cha sippin' on? Me? I'm having an iced Latte (home made) this morning. It's good, but NOT my hot cup I'm use to. Bout to head to the kitchen and get one too!
I saved some coffee from last night and put it in the fridge to make this latte. Conervative huh?
Ya'll have a good, blessed and WONDERFUL Friday! Time to get up and get at 'em! Randall 

Good morning, I love singing this to my 9 yrs old daughter in the mornings. It helps me get into a good mood and sometimes helps her to get motiviated. Praise God for the day, and also that there are only a few more days left of school. (ohhh the days of being a child and being able to sleep late and summers!!) As for me I am going to try not to stress today, mentally. I have alot on my plate with end of school parties, awards day, field days, end of baseball season parties, church outings.....I have to slow down and realize that I can't do everything for everybody. George tells me this often. I need to slow down and let God direct me in what HE wants me to do. Ohhh, if I would just listen. Have a great and wonderful day and rejoice in HIM!!!