haven't been here in awhile, need prayer
Hi y'all. I have not been able to get on to the website and chat or post in quite awhile. Things have been really hectic for me lately. On most days I feel like I am running around with my head cut off.
I am asking for prayer for several reasons. This is a very stressful time in my life. As we all discover after surgery, (and know before hand but I didn't want to admit it would be hard) I can't run to food for comfort or as a stress reliever. This has been tough especially since the stress in my life seems to be compounding. I have not been well since surgery. I have had some minor complications that make life...frustrating to say the least. Mostly I get nausea all the time and struggle with the taste of water, any water. I am working with my Dr and nutritionist to work things out. I feel like my weight loss is slow. These hips just seem to want to hang on for dear life. Haha. My dr says I am doing "okay" with my weight loss. I finally started to exercise but it is really kicking my butt. I am exhausted all the time. My job is really getting to me and so far the resume's I have sent out haven't gotten a bit! I know that things are bugging me because I have not quite found another outlet to help deal with the stress. My counselor says I need something tangible to do at the end of a stressful day. Yes I pray and read the word. But she suggests something more. Something that brings me joy in doing. So far the only thing I have found is sleep. But that isn't helping me get things done around the house. My husband is retiring from the military & hasn't found a job yet. He is stressing about that. My daughter is wanting to get her license but since her training certificates from CA don't state the number of hours she completed, Maryland won't accept them and now we have to pay for another drivers ed and training class. Oh, and we have to buy her class ring ($400) and I am putting together a retirement party for my husband in less than two weeks. He initially said he didn't want a party. Since his parents decided a week ago to come visit in three weeks, he changed his mind. He is worth it and deserves a party but the late notice is well, nerve wracking.
Whew! I am tired just talking about all of this. I know I just need to take things one at a time. But they are all hitting at once! Man, I sure could go for a big bowl of ice cream and cookies! I know that I need to focus on things other than food, but I am really feeling pressure. I can't eat the food anyway or else I'll be very ill! I can't stand that.
So, my fellow OH brothers and sisters in Christ. I appreciate any prayers you are willing to offer up for me. I will try to check out the message boards more often. I can't be on the internet at work and rarely get to my computer at home. I think of y'all often and miss being around here.
Love in Christ,
Robin S
(deactivated member)
on 5/17/06 12:25 am - Jonesboro, GA
on 5/17/06 12:25 am - Jonesboro, GA
Hi Robin!
Wow you do have alot going on! I am praying that God will strengthen you and help you through day by day. That all we can do is one day at a time. This is like a muscle building excersise, resistance is producing stronger muscles. This is why God says rejoice in times of trails they are producing character. You can do all things through Him who stregthens you and He will not give you more than you can bear!! I hope you hang onto the Lord, He will see you through this time. Hold girl you will make it, and we will help pray you through!
God bless you, Candy