Wednesday morning coffee talk
Happy "Hump" Day everyone! I hope you slept good and are ready to get at 'em today.
My challenge for you today is to give 110%. Whether it's at work or at home. For your spouse/children or for your boss. Give them 110%. You might just get 110% back and what a bonus that would be. If you don't get that 110% back right then, at least you will have a satisfaction KNOWING you gave your part. What a great feeling. Knowing you gave them your BEST!
So! Who's up? What cha sipping on? Me? I'm sipping on Cinamon Hazelnut and it is soooooo good!
I hope you have an awesome day as you give your 110%!!
God bless you and love you all! Randall 

Good morning Randall,
I am having 0 Carb Isopure right now, Dutch Choc. But I did have 1 cup of coffee this am with sugar free creamer (vanilla). I get up at 5, take hubby to work and then go to the crossing guard job and then home to homeschool my 13 yr. old daughter. Busy busy.....
Yes, I find that if we walk the extra mile as the Bible says, that we will be at peace with man and with God. Do your best and commit the rest. Have a blessed day in Him and may He say, well, done good and faithful servant.
In Christ,
Joan M