Tuesday morning coffee talk
Good Tuesday morning everyone. I hope you slept good. It's going to be a WONDERFUL day! It's a cool 47 here in LA (lower Alabama) this morning and it feels great. I love this time of year.
My challenge for you today is to be time concious/wise today. Use your time to be productive. Get things done using time as your friend. Time is going to be my best friend today!
I've got letters to get out, a bulletin to make, and an Itenerary I have to get typed up for my Pastor. All in 2 1/2 hours.
I can do it!
SO! Who's up? What cha sipping on? Me? Momma had a good old pot of Cinamon coffee ready when I woke up. It's good too!
I love you guys and hope you have a great, blessed, and wonderful Tuesday. Show some love and use that time wisley today! Randall 
"Don't tell God how big your problem is, He already knows. Instead, tell your problem how big YOUR God is!"

Good morning everyone!! I just got to work, it is a beautiful morning. It is hard to believe it is the middle of May already, my how time flies... I just took my children to prayer breakfast at church (they go every Tuesday morning to pray and eat breakfast and then they take them to school) This is a wonderful ministry that our church provides and my children won't miss it for anything. Praise God!! Well, I need to get busy, which is not a problem. I LOVE my job and am very thankful for it. I am drinking fully loaded, chocolate vanilla. YUMMY!! Have a blessed day!!