Monday morning coffee talk
Gooooooood Monday morning everyone! I hope you slept good and are ready to face the day with a positive attitude and a smile to everyone you meet. I've always heard you can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.
I challenge you today to smile and not be rude to a single person today. I'm challenging myself too. I will NOT be rude to anyone today. I will smile at them and be nice NO matter what they say or do to me. You game? Tough challenge, I know, but we can do this!
SO! Who's up?!? What cha sipping on this morning? Me? Cinnamon flavored coffee and it is soooooooo good.
I sure hope you have a wonderful day. Given the challenge, it should be a great one! Be blessed and get at 'em! Love you all! Randall 

Mornin Randall and All
I'm finishing off my first protein drink for the day. I need to do 2 before I leave for work at 12. I can't wait for my cup of coffee later though. I am usually smiling so this is not that much of a challenge for me. Today is my Friday. This is such a weird shift. I feel like I am either working or coming or going to work. 10hrs is a long shift. But, I'm about to have 3 days off so that will be nice. I hope everyone has a great day!
Love, Jacinda