All last week God had put in my spirit that there is going to be a financial breakthrough. On monday God gave me a vision, that my mother and her husband are going to give me a very large financial blessing, In the vision they we signing a paper in their lawers office for me to be given over $500,000, and I'm not sure where they got this money, but they had an abundance, it was like God was using them as a store house to distribute money, they were truly blessed. When my vision was over God laid it on my heart to tell my mom and her husband (pastor), and that that we should Fast the next day. We all were in agreement, and we fasted. The next day my mom got a call from Harrisburgh, that she should bid on performing (she's has an amazing voice, watch out Yolonda) for the Bishops conference in pittsburgh(pentcostal church) this is a big event , every Bishop in the country will be their, and she has a good chance at winning this bid. My mom and her husband also have a christian tv show called Pittsburgh Gospel Showcase, she's the host, and he is the Producer their show in on public access. Today they got a call from the owner of a nother local network, that is more widly known, it's not national, but it has that status in Pittsburgh. This network wants them to join in fall. At the same time The Lord is trying to get us in position to start a church, My mom is an avangolist her husband is the pastor, God anoited my hubby as a deacon, and my self as the administrative secretary, God has given us all special gifts, my mom, myself, and pastor are all prophets of the lord, and my husband is a minister. God has brought us together to Grow in him, and it's like the lord has put us in school, because we are growing so rapidly in the Lord, and the Lord has been our teacher. Me and my hubby still have some growing to do, but it's happening very rapidly.
The Lord is moving in my family, he is preparing us for what is to come, and I feel truly blessed.
Saints be praying that the Lord continues to develope my gift, and that I never say thus saith the Lord, unless God has truly put it in my heart, let it always be true.


Wow Jeana. That is just truly awesome. I do pray for everyone on this board that God's will be done in their lives but now that I know your name and what to pray for, I can pray for you by name. I do pray God continues to use you and your entire family. You are truly blessed and I pray God continues to bless you.