Thursday morning coffee talk
Good Thursday morning everyone. I hope you slept good. I had a wonderful night's sleep and didn't wake up at all during the night!
My challenge for you today is to call your Mom. Just to say I love you. Let her know what she means to you. My children lost their Mom as many of you have. I believe that those of us who have our Moms, should make the most of EVERY second we have. They may be MILES away, but we can call and let them know we love them! What's a phone call? If she's close enough, go give her a hug! LOVE YOUR MOMMA!
SO! Who's up? What cha sipping on? Me? I'll be drinking some Khalua coffee here in a bit!
MMMMM The taste of that first cup of coffee in the morning.
Love you all and hope you have a wonderful Thursday! Randall 

Good Morning Randall!! I'm up and at em today. We've had a stressful week. The storm that came through last Sunday zapped through our phone lines and messed up a lot of electrical stuff. We took our new printer back to Best Buy and they replaced it. We had to call Alltel and tell them to send us a new DSL modem and we had to get a new router as well. Then when we finally got everything hooked up the ethernet port on my new computer had been zapped as well. So, off to Best Buy my husband goes again. Anyway, it has been a rough week but we made it through. The storms last night made our electricty go off so we were in darkness for about two hours.
You never know how much your mom truly means to you until you move 14 hours away. I miss her so much and call her constantly. I call her so often I'm always thinking she is probably getting sick of hearing from me all the time. LOL I know she isn't. I miss her as well as the rest of my family so much. My girls get out of school on the 19th and early the next morning we will be heading to Arkansas. My mom is having total knee replacement surgery on the 16th. I wish I could be there for her but it just didn't work out. I hope to help her out when she gets home though.
Anyway, I'm on my second mug of coffee. My usual, with Splenda and creamer. I pray everyone has a wonderful day!!

I am blest to still have my Mom. We live 22 hrs apart, but we talk on the phone a LOT! We email each other every day and stay in touch constantly.
I will be praying for your children. The first Mother's Day without Mom will be so hard for them. May God hold them and comfort them. He is so faithful!
I'm sipping Decaf Constant Comment. I had my coffee around 5 am.
God Bless!