Feeling blue
Have you ever felt like anything that could go wrong will? That is how I feel right now. I finally got my husband to go back to church with me 2 Sundays ago,PRAISE GOD!! But ever since then, it is like the devil is out to get us, especially in our finances. And things breaking around the house. I try to keep my spirits up and not get discouraged but it is so hard when you are the only one. I don't have any church friends, so I am asking you all to please pray for us. My husband was an alcoholic for years and has been dry for almost 3 years now.And I know from some of our talks that he thinks he can start drinking again and handle it this time...... I DO NOT want to live that way again. Thank God he hasn't tried it yet. Please pray for him too. Sorry this is so scrambled up. Thanks for listening. Have a Blessed day.
Tracy LeAnn
Hi Tracy LeAnn!
That is awesome that you were able to get your hubby to go to church! And...the Devil will do ANYTHING to disrupt that and draw you farther away from God. He will mess with finances...make you "too busy" for church...cause problems in marriages...ANYTHING. Get on your knees and make the devil MAD! Tell God you can't do it alone. And...everytime the devil tries something...rebuke him in Jesus name...telling him you know God is going to turn whatever situation into something good! I know it is hard to do...and I used to be married to an alcoholic that would once or twice go to church with me to "make me happy" but would sit there and sleep through most of the service. I know what you are going through...but don't give up! I encourage you to reach out to someone in your church. You need to make some friends in your church to support you right now. We will be here online for you, but it is also great to have someone "right there" to talk to when you need it....a shoulder to cry on...you know what I mean? I will continue to pray for your situation. Hang in there! God will work it out!