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on 7/3/15 3:50 am
Topic: RE: Cancer and Smoking

 Smoking when studied by researchers has never yielded definitive proof that it is a direct cause of lung cancer. The thing we should look at is the effect smoking has on the cells ability to maintain themselves. The effects of the chemicals contained in the smoke from today's cigarettes, cigars, or any other tobacco products may not cause the direct manipulation of the genes that control the growth of the cell. But, they may rather inhibit the cell from growing and replacing it's self during the cells life cycle, thus causing the cell to try to work overtime and effect a change in the DNA that forces the cell to grow and divide( replace it's self ) at a rapid pace to keep up with the inhibiting effects of the chemicals.

on 7/3/15 3:47 am
Topic: RE: Cancer in colon, liver and lungs...5 years post op

Cancer of the colon is the disease characterized by the development of malignant cells in the lining or epithelium of the first and longest portion of the large intestine. Malignant cells have lost normal control mechanisms governing growth. These cells may invade surrounding local tissue, or they may spread throughout the body and invade other organ systems.
Synonyms for the colon include the large bowel or the large intestine. The rectum is the continuation of the large intestine into the pelvis that terminates in the anus.

on 7/3/15 3:42 am
Topic: RE: uterine biopsy - have a huge question...

A uterine biopsy, medically referred to as an endometrial biopsy, is a procedure performed by a doctor to collect tissue cell samples from the lining of the endometrium, or uterus. By collecting these tissue samples and then examining them under a microscope, a doctor can determine the source or cause of many uterine problems. 

In most cases, a uterine biopsy can be performed in a doctor’s office, or your doctor may schedule the procedure at a hospital or other medical facility. There are several ways a uterine biopsy can be attained, most of which will involve minimal discomfort and no anesthesia. One method, called a D&C, which stands for dilation and curettage, is done with general or local anesthesia. In all methods of tissue cell collection, an instrument is passed through the cervix and into the uterus for collection. 

on 7/3/15 3:39 am
Topic: RE: atypical breast cancer and chemotherpy and gastrobipass surgury

Atypical cells are cells that appear abnormal under a microscope, but they aren't necessarily cancerous. The presence of atypical cells is sometimes referred to as "dysplasia." Many factors can make normal cells appear atypical, including inflammation and infection. Even normal aging can make cells appear abnormal.

Atypical cells can change back to normal cells if the underlying cause is removed or resolved. This can happen spontaneously. Or it can be the result of a specific treatment.

on 7/3/15 3:35 am
Topic: RE: Colon Cancer and the Lap Band

Colon cancer is when some cells in the colon malfunction and a distortion or mutation occurs in the replication of cells. That mutation then duplicates and on it goes except these cells are abnormal and start developing a source of nutrition by forming blood sources nearby and taking over the organism. This group of cells will then form a blob or tumor, the tumor will probably ulcerate and that bleeding will cause anemia. The cancer can develop anywhere in the colon and can form from a small growth called a polyp. 

on 7/3/15 3:29 am
Topic: RE: Tumors turning into cancer- new research

Tumors that grow on the face are often times referred to as hemangiomas. Benign tumors do not turn into cancer. Malignant tumors are considered cancerous and tend to spread. I do know that some hemangiomas can be removed but sometimes have a blood source which may make them difficult to remove. I wish you the best of luck in whatever choice you make regarding your tumors.

on 6/24/15 8:34 am
Topic: RE: Chemotherapy and weight gain

I gained weight also. ER+pr+. With Breast cancer most do gain weight and it's not from eating too much. 

Stress, chemicals and steroids all play a part and mess with your metabolism. Try your best to eat clean protein to maintain muscle mass and lots of vegetables / 1-2 fruits for nutrition. I lacked the knowledge going into it and lost a great deal of muscle. 

(deactivated member)
on 6/17/15 12:11 am - Pompano Beach, FL
Topic: RE: Chemotherapy and weight gain
Well probably the weight gain is due to steroids used.
on 6/11/15 1:01 pm - PA
Topic: RE: Chemotherapy and weight gain

Thanks sydneyluv, I will definitely do that...they also put me on a water pill as I was retaining fluids.

on 6/10/15 5:01 am
Topic: RE: Cyst in breast? What to do?

If it's a sebaceous cyst they need to remove the whole cyst so it doesn't come back. It's too thick for a needle. Since it's on your breast you may want a plastic surgeon to remove it & leave the best looking scar.

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