Thyroid Cancer

on 3/24/06 5:00 am - Waterfor, MI
Has anyone had Thyroid Cancer after RNY Gastric Bypass?? Having to deal with the low-idodine diet and try to get in enough protein has been a nightmare. Next month, I go through the whole body scan to see if the cancer has spread, then I have a does of radioactive iodine to kill any remaining cancer cells. In the meantime, I'll become totally hypothyroid and become exhausted fun, fun! If anyone has been through this...please share your experience.
on 3/25/06 4:14 pm - Beaverton, OR
Hi Marsha. No. I haven't been through this, but I wanted you to know that I am thinking about you. Cancer is a scary thing, but you are not alone. Do let us know how you're doing. Peg
(deactivated member)
on 3/30/06 11:34 am
Hi Marsha, Im sorry to hear you are having a tough time! I had thyroid cancer (papulary with folicular varient) when I was 27, however, I am waiting on WLS, so I can't answer any questions about Thy CA post WLS. I had surgery in october 1997 to remove my entire thyroid, then about 6 weeks later I had the radiation and spent 3 days in isolation until i was safe enough to be around other people again. Yes, the low iodine diet SUCKS!!!! Between the diet and the side effects of becoming increasingly hypo, i spent a lot of time being a ***** crying and sleeping! I havent had to do a scan in a couples years though. The last time I had my body scan, the doctors gave me a pill (or a shot, i cant remember) that replaced the need to go on the low iodine diet. I don't think I had to go off my synthroid either. You may want to ask your doctor about it. My current oncologist said I wont have to do another body scan unless my blood work gives him reason for concern...or they find a lump. I am 8 years out and I see my oncologist once a year for follow up, bloodwork and a chest xray and I am also being followed by an endocrinologist whom I see him every 3 to 6 months. If you ever want to talk, do not hesitate to email me (my email link is in my profile). Heather
brenda F.
on 1/22/10 11:42 pm - whitney, TX
 Hi how did the Dr's diagnosis yr cancer ?
on 5/25/06 2:59 am - Milford, OH
Marsha, I have had Thyroid Cancer, but not AFTER the RNY, I am hoping to have that soon (July). I had thyroid cancer, that had metasisized to my lymph glands so I too had a total thyroidectomy and the radiation, but this was about 26 years ago, when the radiation was fairly new, I ended up with burns on my stomach and back and lost quite a bit of hair. You will be exhausted completely and totally, start a calendar where you can X off the days you have already made it. Don't forget your multi-vitamin, and remember EVERYTHING will slow down, your heart rate, digestive system, your brain function. Take care of you and rest and sleep as much as possible, your body can get small amounts of energy, even though it is fitting so hard. I would be happy to talk with you any time, just know there are many of us out here who have been through this and we will help if we can. Linda Bell
Karri T.
on 12/28/06 4:37 am - Tulare, CA
I am going through the exact same thing even as we speak. I have already completed the low iodine diet and the iodine 131 treatment to kill the remaining thyroid gland. I am gaining weight rapidly especially in my belly area. I moody, unstable, and cry alot. I had gastric bypass almost 2 years ago and have been very successful. I would love to keep in contact with you as I have not found anyone else that has had bypass and thyroid cancer.
on 7/3/15 11:02 pm

Thyroid cancer develops in your thyroid, a butterfly-shaped gland located at the base of your neck, just below your Adam's apple. Although your thyroid gland is small, it produces hormones that regulate every aspect of your metabolism, from your heart rate to how quickly you burn calories. 

Sometimes you may develop one or more solid or fluid-filled lumps called nodules in your thyroid. Most of these are noncancerous (benign) and cause no symptoms. But a small percentage are cancerous (malignant). Serious complications are possible in thyroid cancer. 

Karen G.
on 7/27/08 11:40 am - Murfreesboro, TN
I am sorry to hear what you are going through.  I had my thyroid removed in the 70's when I was 12 years old, now I am 45 and was recently diagnosed with thryoid cancer.   I went through the same thing as your going through except I had to have shots to block my synthroid.  The diet sucked but the radiation wasn't that bad except I was very tired the day of and my throat became sore which I used hard candy, but probably can't do that after RNY.  I am waiting on approval for my RNY, so all of  this was done prior to surgery.

I had 2 body scans and now 3 years later he is doing an ultrasound & blood work instead of the scan.

Good luck.
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