stomach cancer
You can have a CT or PET scan of your stomach if there is ever an issue. The pouch in the RNY is not scope-able, but you can still see it on a scan.
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Hi Jeff,
I know this post is old from 2010. I hope you are still on the board. I would love to share thought with you. I was just told that I might have cancer of the stomach. I had a RNY 11 years ago. They found it by accident while doing a MRI on my back. They have done a CAT scan and I go in this Saturday for a Pet scan. I am very worried. I am terrified. If you have any information to share I would appreciate your time.
Thank you!
Stomach cancer is cancer that occurs in the stomach — the muscular sac located in the upper middle of your abdomen, just below your ribs. Your stomach receives and holds the food you eat and then helps to break down and digest it.
Another term for stomach cancer is gastric cancer. These two terms most often refer to stomach cancer that begins in the mucus-producing cells on the inside lining of the stomach (adenocarcinoma). Adenocarcinoma is the most common type of stomach cancer.
Stomach cancer is uncommon in the United States, and the number of people diagnosed with the disease each year is declining. Stomach cancer is much more common in other areas of the world, particularly China and Japan.