About Mammograms following weightloss?

on 3/6/11 3:47 pm - WI
thanks for your response.  I have had 2 more diagnostic mammos and us since i posted this...i did have a duct excision on one breast which came back benign- proliferative fibrocystic.  I now have issues in the other breast which they aregeneralizing and saying is the same thing... the mammo and us show nothing again, and the specialist says the lumps are mobile... but so is my entire breast...lol... anyways. I return for another follow up visit in April.  So far the lumps have only gotten harder...not bigger... but they are not cyst and do not cause pain.   I will see what the specialist says, she says it is hormonal, but it only occurs in the one... i really dont want to go through open biopsy again...i lost a portion of nipple plus an eighth of breast...which was only biopsy so no reconstruction. I am planning to self pay for BA/BL in the summer so I figure I will tell the specialist after that they will be hands off... maybe that will encourage them to biopsy this one...

My belief is that the discharge... and subsequent lumps are due to the constant compression of what I have is causing these problems.  I know women's breasts are normally compressed in a bra, but the extent that we who have excess skin and all are way beyond the normal... I have deflated DD's which I smash into a small B (might as well be an A except B has a wider cup).  I have also begun to experience lots of pain in my back, neck and shoulders due to the tension of the bra straps.  But mastopexy is considered cosmetic...

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