In a panic!
I have been going to Omaha to a cancer doctor since they found out I had carcinoid colon cancer. Well my reg pcp called me today and said all my labs looked great but this chromgrainin A and she had no clue what it was for, and she told me it was up to 80 something and that normal is 30-50 so I have been up all evening researching and trying to find out about what's going to happen to me now!!! I had colon resection and they told me that there was some cells in my lymp nodes but they were minut, but I know how this works and if there is one there are usually more. So now I am wondering where it's going to be now. I am hoping it is still in my colon and not gone to my liver. Of all the things, my brother which is 7 yrs older then me is in the hospital right now with colon cancer, they found it about 6 months after they did mine. His has already got to his liver and he has been taking chemo for over a yr now, he isn't going to get any better he may never leave the hospital this time. He has congestive heart failure to, and is full of fluid on his lungs they put a drain in yesterday. I do not want this to happen to me, I do not want to put my family through this just to watch me die. I know that sounds strange but I don't want my kids to see me like that. Well thanks for listening and I know there's not anything anyone can do but I sure hope this isn't the begining of the end.
Marilyn, my heart and prayers go out to you and your brother. I am a colo-rectal cancer survisor as well as squameous cell carcenoma in my lymph nodes, pelvic area and stage 4 vaginal cancer.... and I know all too well how upsetting and nerve wracking those calls from the doc can be. Please know that you are not alone in this journey, you have the support of the board and those of us who have been down the road you are on now. I know it is easy for me to say be positive and not quite so easy for you to do.... But please do know that we are here for you. Something that has helped me get through my numerous rounds of cancer was that I got totally pissed off at cancer! I refused to allow "it" to win the battle. If there is anything I can do to help you through this difficult time, please drop me a note.
God Bless you and your family.
God Bless you and your family.
Katherine thanks so much for your kind words. I know I am probably over reacting but I really don't want to just let this take my life away from me. I am mad I guess is what I feel, more just worried. I am sure that if my brother wasn't in the hospital at this very moment that I would feel a bit different about all this. I was a very young 23 when my dad died from cancer and we watched him for many yrs fight the good fight. That was 30 yrs ago and things are so different then they are now. I am trying to find out if my brothers cancer is the same as mine. What I have is very rare, and if it wasn't for me having the WLS and having a wonderful caring WLS doctor I would be in the same shape as my brother is now a few yrs down the road because no one could find out what was wrong with me. I have Carcinoid cancer, and it doesn't take radition or chemo therapy well, they know I will have to have hormone therapy. This is some kind of hormone cancer. Strange I know, there are getting more and more people with it then ever before, and most of them are being treated for something else when they find out they have this. I have to get through this, I just have to. I have 7 kids from 18-35 and 5 granbabies. I want to see my great granbabies.
I better try and get to bed tonight thanks again for your kind words and I will take all the prayers you can mustar for me and I will keep you in mine. I know that prayer is going to be the only thing to get me through this. I have to put my faith in God that he wants me around for something more important that I need to do.
I better try and get to bed tonight thanks again for your kind words and I will take all the prayers you can mustar for me and I will keep you in mine. I know that prayer is going to be the only thing to get me through this. I have to put my faith in God that he wants me around for something more important that I need to do.