I posted this on the main board earlier, but does anyone know anything about...

on 12/12/07 10:54 am - Radcliff, KY
Post Date: 12/12/07 3:42 pm I have been having outer left leg numbness above my knee all the way to my hip for a long time. I never really gave it a second thought because it never bothered me any, I always thought it was caused by me gaining weight over the last 7-10 years. Anyhow right after my bypass surgery "Oct 1, 07" I started having shooting burning type of pains when ever I got up from sitting or laying down. I went to my Pcp a few weeks ago she ordered an MRI on my back and left side. Well I got the results from it today, the doctor *****ad it said it was a fatty tumor or a Schwannoma, it is 7 mm by 5 mm in size and its located on my thecal sac on the L2 spine level. The report said all my disk spaces are well maintained, there are no disk bulges or protusions. There are no lesions and everything around the L1 level has a normal appearance & no masses are seen. I was happy to hear that, but the other possibilities it says here on my paper that it could also be Neurofibroma, mixed tumor and metastasis, but these entities are less likely. Well that may be but still I looked everything up online and it all points to cancer and tumors in someway . The doctor is a having me referred to a Neurosurgeon on Jan 2nd too see if they think the thing should be removed or not. He would not tell me anything further. Ofcourse I am scared to death, and but I have no choice but to waqit until then to find out what it actually is and can be done. My mother had a Schwannnoma on her upper back not too long ago and they cut it out, I read they can be inherited. I was wondering if any of ya'll ever had one, or knew someone who had/has one and what happened with it all? I am not looking for medical advice just personal advice and experience with it. Any and all replies are welcome. Oh yeah please dont tell me to talk it over with my Pcp or the other doc they wont say anything more to me about it. Thanks.........
on 3/9/08 2:01 pm - MO
I'm new here just wanted to know how things turned out for you and if you found the answers you were looking for.  I am hoping all is going well for you.  They found colon cancer after I had my WLS and my same surgeon did the resection for me, I didn't as of yet have to have any other treatment.  I went to see my cancer doc in Feb and she wanted me back in 6 months.  I was kinda confussed because I was doing yearlys.  She took me off some of my blood pressurer meds, I got sick and had to go to my reg PCP with chest pains.  I did a stress test and echo gram last week.  I have something wrong with a valve that is letting flow back, looks like I am going to a specialist this week to see what they can do for me now.    I hope to hear from you and see how your doing. Marylin  314/180/150
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