Anyone With Information on Starting A Daycare
I'm not familiar w/ this specificly, but I own a couple businesses and have had many others in the past, including a daycare(in home). Researching for a startup is a pain, But try asking at your local Department of social services, and city hall or where ever you would need to go to register your business. At least in NY state, to open a DC center at least someone must be accredited and have a 4 year teaching degree. Some cities have development funds available for new business. Again City Hall or perhaps the chamber of commerce could be of help.Call another Day care center. They may be put off at first but I have done this many times. I simply contact someone in a nearby city that won't be threatened by my intentions. People love to feel like they know some thing and can give advice( like me!). As long as you make it clear, you're not looking to compete, you admire the services they provide,you are aware of their tight schedual. Have your questions written down so you can get to them quickly ok I'm rambling...Good luck;)
Hey sista girl,
I have not endeavored to open a daycare, but am a little familiar with the process. in N.Y there are child care councils, that help to train you, and give grants in the amount of $5,000 to help get you started. you should check to see if you have any program like that in your area? Also, if you have a business plan, maybe you can take it to a local bank, or better yet, a Small Business Administration to see if they could help you. Sometimes they actually provide you with a grant . I hope i've been a little helpful. God bless you, and good luck with your endeavors.