Recent Posts
We are trying something new by alternating between Round Rock and South Austin for our meetings.
Tomorrow's (2/18/12) meeting will be at Central Market at Westgate at 10:30am - noon. Here is the address: 4477 S. Lamar Blvd. Austin, TX 78745

You and any others you may know of in search of a weight loss support group are invited! Our group is not limited to one certain weight loss surgery, it is open to pre-ops, post-ops, those thinking of weight loss surgery, and those who just in general need some type of accountability.
Our goal is to provide a support group that is positive and motivational. Also to create a strong foundation within this area to lend support to those in need.
ObesityHelp is committed to our members’ privacy. Since our inception, we have endeavored to protect the sanctity of our members’ privacy. Over the years, we have been asked to sell and lease our database or grant unrestricted access to the same. We have continually refused all such request as we deem our membership to be our dearest obligation.
ObesityHelp conducts operations in a social network environment which means postings, content, blogs, and any other ancillary information sharing on our website message boards is 100% open and searchable by all major search engines. This means that posting on ObesityHelp requires members to be conscientious of their own levels of comfort when posting any information to the Internet. To support the anonymity of our members we instituted: the screen name process (pseudonyms instead of real names), customizable avatars (no photo required), private messaging (posting on message boards not required), and email privacy (your private email is never displayed by ObesityHelp); just to name a few. This means that anyone can protect their name and privacy simply by taking advantage of the privacy options already included in our site.
Recent linking campaign on Facebook
The linking process was implemented to support threads that the company deemed as universally appropriate and supportive to those that suffer from obesity. With that core support desire in mind, approximately (7) threads were linked to from Facebook. This was done over a period of 3 to 4 days.
Technical clarity
Unlike linking to something with a single unique record locator (URL) when a company site links to a threaded comment [such as ObesityHelp] the Facebook system ‘spiders’ (searches) the URL content for a photo, first few words within the content, and even attached names. This is not something that ObesityHelp initially considered to be at issue as search engines have had access to this information since our inception. However, many members felt the inclusion of their photo (avatar), screen name, and short blurb of the content was a privacy violation. Our intent was never to cause anyone’s privacy to be violated but our effort was to promote support for the individual threaded comments.
To alleviate the issue, ObesityHelp immediately ceased posting threads. At present, only content (articles, blogs, and educational material) is being linked from the company Facebook page.
Why do we feel linking is necessary at all? Support and education are not limited to a singular social network. ObesityHelp operates a Facebook page for the same reason that millions of other companies do; our members are there also.
Was a policy change implemented?
In short, no. The linking of content from various locations including newsletters, Facebook, and other sites has always been something that ObesityHelp has done. However, what made this particular posting different was the way that Facebook automatically grabbed information from the linking source (user generated content on ObesityHelp).
Unless manually removed or changed, the linking takes place with default information included: avatar or photo, link, and minor portions of the content. This was not something that ObesityHelp considered initially bad as the information is public via Google, Yahoo, etc. Once it was brought to our attention that some of the links might contain information that would be considered by some as ‘private’ we immediately ceased posting in this linking method. Please be assured that no policy change has taken place.
How will ObesityHelp handle manual linking on Facebook in the future?
In the future, should ObesityHelp plan to link to specific threads, the company has decided to remove any such identifying markers that would otherwise cause the link to be identified to any specific individual or group. The purpose of the Facebook linking is not to single-out any one specific poster but help promote a general open discussion of the topic(s) at hand.
ObesityHelp Inc.
Member Services Department
Hi, I am from Newfoundland Canada and had WLS in October 2011. This surgery is new to our province and currently surgery to cover excess skin removal is not covered. Please take a moment to sign this online petition to have skin removal surgery covered by our provincial medical care plan.
MCP Coverage For the Removal of Excess Skin Following Extreme Weight Loss l-of-excess-skin-following-extreme-weight-loss/ We want to let you know that our Terms of Service has been modified. Please check out our revised Terms of Service
All modifications have been made in our ongoing efforts to improve the experience and provide support, education and information to our ObesityHelp Members.
ObesityHelp Management and Staff
on 2/6/12 12:08 am
this is the wrong forum for the DS, this is for the BPD which is a different surgery from the DS.
here is a link to the DS forum:,messageboard/board_id,5357/
try reposting this over there and you will get better responses.
There is a Bariatric Center of Excellence close to me, but they have a policy that you cannot self-pay for the surgery I want. If you don't have insurance to cover it, you can't have it. What?
I just don't get that. Anyway...
At that facility, they do the BPD with DS in 2 separate surgeries also.
I was wondering if anyone can tel me more aobut it and if that is the norm for everywhere?
Also, has anyone else had this surgery type as a self-pay? What did it cost?
I need to know for fundraising purposes.
Any and all information that you can share with me will be super appreciated.
Thanks & God Bless!
WHERE: IKEA Round Rock Restaurant
WHEN: Saturday, January 21st
TIME: 10:30 am
WHY: Because we all need a little support sometimes, and who doesn’t want to hang out with a lot of positive, motivational, supportive and FUN people.
See previous posts for more information:
If you are from Austin/Round Rock -- Check this out!!
OH Rox Round Rock Support Group Meeting
You are welcome and encouraged to bring before and after pictures, as well as pen, paper, questions, thoughts, and ideas.
OHRRR is really looking forward to making a difference with this group in 2012!
Looking forward to seeing you there!