Why is this board not use...
I haven't read a Stephen King in so long! I do enjoy Robin Cook, Tami Hoag and the medical thriller genre. Mostly I just have time for light mysteries, The Cat Who series and Mrs. Murphy Mysteries are must reads for pure fun! Oh, Janet Evanovich is so funny! So many books and so little time.
I've passed the book bug down to my boys who always have at least one book with them for riding in the van or camping or school or...
What are you reading now?
Sadly this forum seems to have fallen into unuse again!

Well I'll just have to start posting to myself!! hehe

Well I'll just have to start posting to myself!! hehe
You have to expect things of yourself before you can do them. ~Michael Jordan
My Goals:
3) 170lbs
4) Run 5K
"Unneeded food is not any less wasted in a body that doesnt need it, than it is in the trash." ~Brandilynn
"Those that will not be governed by God will be ruled by tyrants." ~William Penn

You have to expect things of yourself before you can do them. ~Michael Jordan
My Goals:
3) 170lbs
4) Run 5K
"Unneeded food is not any less wasted in a body that doesnt need it, than it is in the trash." ~Brandilynn
"Those that will not be governed by God will be ruled by tyrants." ~William Penn
