I guess we're all busy reading! I just finished Robin Hobb's Farseer books -- great epic fantasy. First time I've read them. I'm sure glad I bought the 2 trilogies together because as soon as I finished one book I picked up the next. I also just bought my copy of the Dark Tower by Stephen King, the last book in the 7 book series. I've been waiting for the paperback edition and it's finally out. Now I'm saving the book for a nice cold weekend so I can cozy up and dive into the gunslinger's worlds.
There -- I brought up two authors with two series in two genres. Maybe that will get things hopping

Hi fellow readers!
I read mostly sci fi and horror. Recently reread the 2001 trilogy by Arthur C. Clarke. Even if you are not a big sci fi fan it is a classic. I have an edition where in the forward he interviews kubrick. It is really good.
I also love Stephen Baxter, Simon Clark, Greg Bear, Joe Haldemann, and Dan Simmons.
My favorite book of all time is Alas Babylon by Pat Frank.
A fellow reader who loves to chat about books!!