James Patterson/Laurell K Hamilton
Hello All -
I've read most of the books written by James Patterson - they are the best. Some are Along Came A Spider - Kiss the Girls - When the Wind Blows. Anyway - he is wonderful.
All of his books are fast reads and they keep you on the edge of your seat. I just love them. Well now that I've read most of them I'm kinda looking for a new Author. Patterson's books where mystery.
Now I've always found vampires to be intriguing. I was wondering if anyone has read any books by Laurell K Hamilton??
If so, how are they??
Thanks a bunch

jeffrey deaver is an awesome writer. john sanford, too. laurell k. hamilton is good, but after a while it is like reading the same book, over & over. i got to the middle of one of her books, i read most of them & thought, i am soooooooooo tired of the same ole' same ole"!! to start out with the were great!! lol!
Hi, I just now found this board. I've read most of Patterson's books also. I think I've missed the last two. I really love the Alex Cross series. I think Morgan Freeman is perfect in the role. If you like vampires you should read Anne Rice. I didn't like the movie INTERVIEW WITH A VAMPIRE, but I loved the book. I also like John Saul & Peter Straub. Robin Cook & Michael Palmer write great medical mysteries. I've never read Laurell Hamilton but I'll look her up.
Now that I've discovered this board I'll be coming here a lot...Eve