Huge Harry Potter Fan...
I am a HUGE Harry Potter fan. A friend of mine got me hooked. Not only do I have all the book but I bought them on tape too. I love to listen to them while driving. I will be at Wal-Mart in the morning to by the Prisoner of Azkaban movie on DVD.
I think I love these book because I can relate so well to Harry. Sometimes I think that JKRowling has read my emotions and put them in Harry.
I also love to read a lot of other books too. Dan Brown's The DaVinici Code and Angels & Demons are among my new favorites, along with Mitch Albom's The Five People You Meet in Heavan and Sue Monk Kidd's The Secret Life of Bees.
I love books that make you think, even if they might seem brainless at first.
Take Care

I'm just wild about Harry.
The DH dragged me kicking and screaming to see the first movie, and that was all it took. I have read the books several times, and am getting ready to order The Half-Blood Prince online! It comes out on my 2nd Bandiversary!
I was reading Order of the Phoenix while in the hospital getting my Band, and the respiratory therapist thought I was a devil-worshipper. It was sadly funny.
Prisoner of Azkaban is my favorite Harry book so far .. and movie too, I guess.
I also like Robert Jordan and assorted other stuff!

I, too am wild about Harry and have been ever since I wandered into the first movie just to see what all the hype was about. I fell in love! Then I ordered all the books that are out so far. Now my 4-year-old granddaughter is hooked as well.
Is anyone else as disgusted as I am with all those people who think Harry is evil and un-Christian? I think most of them have never even seen the movies or read the books. If they had, they'd know that the theme is good vs. evil--and good always wins. There are many lessons to be learned in how to treat people and about friendship.
My own personal favorite character is Professor Snape. I adore Alan Rickman and I have his picture as Snape on my computer's desktop.
Can't wait till the next movie comes out, but in the meantime I watch the old ones over and over. Yay, Harry!
Ellen B.