The Beck Diet Solution ~ Day 5
This lesson is about eat slowly and mindfully. I have to say that I am already doing this, but it was good to review it. I now will make it a point to always eat at the dinning room table rather then at my desk, even though I use a timer. I will make it a point to NOT read, or even have music on while I eat. To focus simply on eating, chewing my food thoroughly, waiting a minute before taking my next bite and then continuing to finish my meal in the longest time possible, til I have the sation feeling, but NOT over full. I have been suffering with being over full and eating way too much.
I need to recognize that as soon as my stomach feels filled, then I need to stop! I am still dealing with those old ideas that I'm holding in my head of just how much food it takes to make me feel full and those old notions of what eating is. They are slipping away, and it helps SOO much to have a timed schedule to follow. Every three hours. I'm on it and I stick to it!
I have missed reading my affirmation and cards the required two times daily this past weekend. I need to add them to my phone and also to record a voice MP3 for me to use at night to listen to while falling asleep. Getting all the needed help I can! hehe
The not eating while standing in the kitchen is a much harder habit to break then I thought!! Today I caught myself doing it FOUR times! Two of which were while cooking, of course. The other two were while carrying my food to the table. It was just soo natural to do that! It's amazing the things we do without even thinking of them. It's a reflex. As natural as driving home every day from work on auto pilot. It's insane! So, I have my post it notes up in my kitchen. I have my place card for my table to read and to adhere to while eating and I'm ready. I'm embracing the change and eager for it! I think the willingness to DO the change is really as much a factor as doing the actual change. Having the open heart, and wanting to change and then DOING the act that accomplishes change. Wanting to let go of old habits and wanting to replace them with new ones, no matter the effort!
I need to recognize that as soon as my stomach feels filled, then I need to stop! I am still dealing with those old ideas that I'm holding in my head of just how much food it takes to make me feel full and those old notions of what eating is. They are slipping away, and it helps SOO much to have a timed schedule to follow. Every three hours. I'm on it and I stick to it!
I have missed reading my affirmation and cards the required two times daily this past weekend. I need to add them to my phone and also to record a voice MP3 for me to use at night to listen to while falling asleep. Getting all the needed help I can! hehe
The not eating while standing in the kitchen is a much harder habit to break then I thought!! Today I caught myself doing it FOUR times! Two of which were while cooking, of course. The other two were while carrying my food to the table. It was just soo natural to do that! It's amazing the things we do without even thinking of them. It's a reflex. As natural as driving home every day from work on auto pilot. It's insane! So, I have my post it notes up in my kitchen. I have my place card for my table to read and to adhere to while eating and I'm ready. I'm embracing the change and eager for it! I think the willingness to DO the change is really as much a factor as doing the actual change. Having the open heart, and wanting to change and then DOING the act that accomplishes change. Wanting to let go of old habits and wanting to replace them with new ones, no matter the effort!
You have to expect things of yourself before you can do them. ~Michael Jordan
My Goals:
3) 170lbs
4) Run 5K
"Unneeded food is not any less wasted in a body that doesnt need it, than it is in the trash." ~Brandilynn
"Those that will not be governed by God will be ruled by tyrants." ~William Penn

You have to expect things of yourself before you can do them. ~Michael Jordan
My Goals:
3) 170lbs
4) Run 5K
"Unneeded food is not any less wasted in a body that doesnt need it, than it is in the trash." ~Brandilynn
"Those that will not be governed by God will be ruled by tyrants." ~William Penn
