Stephenie Meyer and the Twilight Saga
I LOVE THESE BOOKS! I only started reading them because the lead singer of my favorite band (Blue October...check them out!) is on tour with Stephenie, the author and let me tell you they are like crack for the brain. Once you start you can't stop. I adore them. If you look on her website she has about 250 pages from the fifth book on there. A tease, but it's better than nothing!
I am finished new moon and is waiting for my daughter to finishe the last 20 pages of eclipse. She is a sloooow reader. But she told me that she is savoring the last few pages. To tell the truth I understand but I am going to disown her if she don't finish so I can start dreaming of vampire love. It is a shame but I want a vampire boyfriend. Call me crazy if you want but the town of Forks have some sexy monsterlike men in there town. LOL
