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Topic: 13 Days Post Op and Looking to start exercising
Hi Everyone,
I am 13 weeks post op. At my last check in a week ago I was 293 lbs (down 16 lbs) and my goal is to be 160-170 lbs. My doctors agree this is a health weight for me at 5'8.
I am looking to start working out and weight training as soon as the doctor says okay. I am noticing that I am getting softer in the areas I was once hard from muscle/fat. I have weight trained off and on for the last ten years.
I am thinking of following the Body for Life Exercise plan mixed with a workout plan my husband is following.
Any suggestions for starting out? Any exercises that work at toning the mid section and bottom?
Topic: Sleep Issues From Working Out
Even though I work out in the morning the energy carries me through the day. It seems as if I have too much energy?!!!!!! I was so hyper last night I could hardly sleep. Well sore also but more just hyper. I actually considered going for a run last night then I decided to just try and relax. Earl gave me an idea in his post about supplements. I think I might try some melatoinin and drink a little camomile herbal tea before bed to see if I can wind myself down. Last night I went to bed after 24 so around 10:30pm.. best show on TV by the way.. anyway.. I was WIDE awake by 2am. Laid in bed for an hour. Up again at 3am.. laid back down again and stayed awake. Finally got up at 4:30am. Skipped my workout this morning since I didn't sleep much but I'll probably do some light cardio around 7pm to see if that helps at all.
Anyone else have this issue?
Topic: RE: Hello, Heart Rate Monitors questions?
Excellent. I think you will really enjoy it. Come back here more often and post your workouts =)
Topic: RE: Hello, Heart Rate Monitors questions?
Thanks Stayce,
Well I just ordered the Polar M32, this mornin. I was talking to guy at the gym yesterday and he also recommended the Polar HRM. So I figured that the M32 had the best features at a reasonable price. I am so much into working out and loosing now a days I figure its a good investment.
Thanks again and keep up the great work!
Topic: Body building and lap band
Hi every body there
first of all i would like to thank all of you to the effort you made in helping others by posting your experiences and new ideas.
Actullay,i am new to this forum,and this is my first post,but i have been all your helpful posts since few weeks.
All i need to know is that is it possible for some body who weighs 125 kg aith 49% total body fat to build up his body.
i am planning to undergo lap band,then i hope to find some body to help me to follow specific trainig program to build up my body after the surgery,any angel ready to help me
thanks for all of you and i appreciate any notice
Topic: Pre & Post Workout Shakes
What are you guys and gals mixing up/eating pre and post workout these days?
My base is always Whey protein, 4oz skim milk, a few ice cubes. Right now I have in the house isopure, 100% whey, and assorted flavors of protein delites. Occasionally I add in some frozen berries to it or if out of berries a half of banana.
Pre-Op I also added in some sort of EFA source as well - Udo's blended oil, flax meal or oil since I NEVER eat fish. I just do not like any seafood. I know.. I'm weird. Should I go back to that to round out my diet you think?
Supplement Considerations....
I'm thinking about adding back in powdered spirullina and chlorella into my shakes. It is hard to decide though if it is worth it. Will I malabsorb? Who knows? Do we malabsorb less as we get further out? Seems like it. Is almost 10 months far enough out? I know I can certainly tolerate more foods. I just had something like 50grams of fruit sugar in one of those Naked Green Machine drinks and I didn't dump this afternoon. The spirullina and chlorella in that drink is very minimal and really doesn't do enough. Plus I don't make it a habit of taking in that much fruit sugar at a time usually. Even though I don't dump it still can make my tummy a little upset.
What about also adding in the ten grams or so of L-glutamine. I think that is the dosage? Wonder if it will upset my tummy at all. I guess I won't know until I try.
Topic: RE: Hello, Heart Rate Monitors questions?
The straps are really stretchy so you should be ok. If you want a no fuss basic heart rate monitor for relatively cheap check out the POLAR A1 model. That is your bare bones basics. If you want something that has calorie output and more bells and whistles look at the other POLAR heart rate monitors. I use the M32 and have had it for a few years. I've used three other POLARs in the past.
The newer F series is here:
Just go to that website and read up on them.
Congrats on the decision to exercise with a heart rate monitor. I think it makes a huge difference for me and is just an all around great tool to help with your exercise program.
Topic: Hello, Heart Rate Monitors questions?
I am just starting out at the gym and am looking for a reasonable deal on a Heart Rate Monitor. I see there are several out there but I was curious of which one I was the good deal. Also I am still kinda big or broad arcoss the chest and was wondering how much the straps would stretch and if I was to get one if I could possibly add a extension on to the strap, like I had done during my sleep study they had to add a extension on so it would be comfortable.
Has anyone had to do this?
What is the best reasonable priced?
Take care,