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Topic: RE: Serious Weight Lifting
I can't believe with the way you are working out you are only taking in 70 carbs a day....if you don't give the body something to burn like carbs then it will eat your muscle
I agree with the guys, get a body fat comp and eat more complex carbs
Take care,

Topic: RE: Newbie Question - Straight leg dead lift
Hi Richard,
You can do this safely, when you lower your weight make sure you keep your back straight and flat like an ironing board. It sounds like you are bending to much in the back and not the waist
Check yourself in a mirror and make sure the shoulders are not rounded when bending
Take care,

Topic: RE: Total Body Lift
Hi Marcus,
You might say I am going to have the total body lift
What you describe though sounds like you would want a panniculectomy (removal of the excess skin) and a TT with muscle repair
If you want to learn more come over to the PS board and there is tons of information there....
Take care,
April 14th - Thigh Lift, LBL, TT, BL and BA
June 30th - Arms, Back and Lower Face Lift

Topic: RE: How many people on here
Hi Ryan,
I am sure you are not the only one that goes through this
Since my WLS I have not visited that merry go round again and hope not to
I find my working out and weight lifting keeps me honest for now but ya never know....
Summer is almost here so get moving
Take care,

Topic: How many people on here
race to lose weight before summer starts, slack off, then regain any weight they may have lost by the time July rolls around? I wasn't sure if that was just me...
Ryan W. in Orange County CA
(Seeking buds who are motivated to work out)
Topic: RE: For Cripes Sakes This Damn S...
Your surgeon needs to be educated about having fit muscles and how they help burn more calories.
Topic: RE: Buckeye John's Program?!?!
I'm ready to be a Buckeye John disciple too!! Send your program on to me too when you get it tweaked out. Dude, you look great! You're ripped!
Topic: RE: Is it true? We can't compete?
What we need to do is start an association solely for bodybuilders who have had WLS. What greater inspiration. We can start our own competitions to heck with the natural thinnies. More people might beintersted in attending to see what we have accomplished. Imagine being on stage posing with a large screen showing your before pictures!
Why not, we can find some people in the amateur lifting arena to help us get started! WLS Bodybuilders Association! Yeah!
Topic: Total Body Lift
I am interested in a total body lift. Also when I do a sit-up my whole abdomen "tents" up and looks horrible, can this be fixed, can your abdominal muscles be tightened up? I would really like a flat abdomen again, I am embarresed to have my shirt of in public because of it.