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on 1/26/05 6:54 am - Baltimore, MD
Topic: RE: Workout Terms?? Huh??
hahaha!! It's funny but you do need a guide to the lingo and not everyone calls stuff the same!! Also, lots of varitions on basic exercises. For example you might do a straight leg deadlift versus a regular deadlift or a ball squat versus a squat on the machine versus a free weight squat. However, it is all based on a basic type of movement. Many different styles and ways to lift. Let me try to respond and then maybe Earl and Val can correct me or fill in the stuff I left out. Speed Bench - Light weight but lift as fast as possible and in this case when doing a bench press. Speed exercises help you develop explosive strength which is really good for sports and athletes... When a baseball player swings a bat, when a soccer player kicks the ball, or when a boxer punches that is all speed stregnth. Powerlifters/Olympic weight lifters do a lots of light weight explosive speed training exercises, unlike most bodybuilders and gym buffs who do primarily slow and controlled training and pump out reps until failure. Personally I like to mix it up and do both. Power Cleans - Is an Olympic style lifting move - picture here: Its like a combo of a deadlift and upright row. Shrug - Good pic here : or here Diesal Shrugs - No idea?!! Seated Machine Flies - Flies are usually done for the chest. In this case using the machine (as opposed to free weights or some other sort of resistance and in a sitting position). I might be able to get some more pics of a site for personal trainers called "pt on the net" if you are interested in seeing more specific stuff but you can try to just do a regular web search in google or yahoo and probably find some basic stuff yourself.
on 1/26/05 5:50 am
Topic: RE: Workout Terms?? Huh??
Hehe! Okay here are some. Speed Bench (sounds like a new designer drug) Power Cleans (what happens to me after a dose of Milk of Magnesia) Shrugs Diesel Shrugs Seated Machine Flies I am sure there are more. Kelly
Valerie C.
on 1/26/05 5:44 am - Grove City, OH
Topic: Thanks a bunch!
I just wanted to say thanks you guys for making me feel better! I have fought the guilt demon and WON!!! You all are right. I need to look at the "Big Picture" I preach that all the time, maybe I should take a bite of my own advice huh? I am just gonna roll with it and pick up tomorrow as if nothing ever happened. Man, I love this all are the best in my book! Val
Valerie C.
on 1/26/05 5:40 am - Grove City, OH
Topic: RE: Workout Terms?? Huh??
Kelly you just crack me up!!! Are there any ones in particular that you are curious about? Val
on 1/26/05 5:35 am
Topic: Workout Terms?? Huh??
Okay...... I see Earl and Mikee posting all these crazy names for the workouts they do. Like sidewindertriplecrunchberries. LOL Well not that crazy, but, can you guys tell me what some of the not so obvious names are of the exercises you ? Thanks!, Kelly
on 1/26/05 3:17 am - Baltimore, MD
Topic: RE: Wed Workout - Relaxed & Energized!
I should also add... I did really light to no weight on my legs stuff. I only did the 80% of my max on the upper body stuff. Instead of regular squats I went way back to basics and did ball squats using just my body weight. I moved like a snail too so I can wake up and be pain free tomorrow too!
on 1/26/05 3:13 am - Baltimore, MD
Topic: Wed Workout - Relaxed & Energized!
I had the best workout that really made me feel relaxed and energized after! I did 10 min of light walking on the treadmill just to warmup. HR ended at around 125. Then after I did my own circuit. 3 exercises per series X 3 and kept the weight at about 80% of my max. I did 4 series total. After I did another 20 minutes of cardio with HR around 135 - 140 on the full body arc trainer. My knee started to make some funky cracking/poping sounds so I stopped. It didn't hurt but I didn't want to take a chance with all the issues I've had lately. After I went into the aerobics studio and Dana did some PNF stretching with me since he had time between clients ..that felt wonderful. After that I did a few yoga moves to finish off the stretching - cobra, downward facing dog, etc. Then I just laid there and meditated for 10 minutes face down on the aerobics floor focusing on my breathing. Finally I finished up with another 15 minutes in the sauna and then a hot shower. I got to the gym at 5:30am but didn't have to be at wor****il 9am so I had lots of extra time. I've felt good all day an no aches and pains in my joints!! First time in days!!
on 1/26/05 3:03 am - Baltimore, MD
Topic: RE: Cardio 1st? Last?
My husband is a personal trainer and does the same thing with some of his clients but he changes his routines up a lot depending on the goals. I've never seen him have people doing lots of cardio up front. I also feel better when I do it after. Lately I usually do a cardio warmup for 10 minutes to get the blood flowing, lift full body for 45 minutes or so, and then do a 10-20 min moderate to low instensity cardio after. On alternate days I just do cardio followed up by some abs/back stuff. Sometimes my husband and I will do more challenging interval type full body training where we do a series (3-5 resistance exercise sets x 3,) 10 min of moderate to higher intensity cardio to get the HR up, do another series, do another 10 mintues of cardio, repeat one more time. It keeps it interesting and I don't get a chance to get bored like I do sometimes with longer cardio. I keep my heart rate up the whole time but it can be exhausting. I'm pretty wiped after it. We do not do it on a regular basis. If I do a few weeks where I am not doing full body but a more traditional split (upper one day, lower or lets another) I would never even think about doing any cardio prior to doing leg stuff. On a heavy leg day I am lucky to make it for the full 20 minutes of cardio after lifting. Good luck with your training!! It is the best gift you can give to yourself!! I would never be where I am today exercise wise if it were not for the personal training. My husband has taught me so much in the last few years and I am always learning something new from all the research he does on a daily basis. I enjoy doing my own research as well. With him its rare that workouts are ever the same and they are always very creative. I like it that way! He also makes me feel confident enough that I can do stuff on my own if he isn't around.
on 1/26/05 2:31 am - Baltimore, MD
Topic: RE: Working on the guilt thing
You have been exercising regularly for a long time and kicking ass in the gym. You don't need justification for taking off one night!!! It's when one night turns into 2, 3 , 4 days and then into weeks that it becomes an issue. I don't see that happening for you. You love working out too much like the rest of us =)
Donna E.
on 1/26/05 1:37 am - Durham, NC
Topic: RE: Working on the guilt thing
Hiya Val, Yeah, I know that guilt thing, nasty little bugger isn't it? Life gets in the way sometimes. But please remember that fitness isn't ONLY about the weight training and the cardio, babe, it's also about nutrition and REST AND RECOVERY! If you run yourself down, and don't get the rest part, do you really think you would be doing your muscles a favor?? All that hard work you do in the gym isn't worth a hill of beans if you don't have the balancing part of rest and nutrition to complete the process. And all the experts agree that downtime, whether we want to take some of it from our workouts or not, generally confers benefits as well, provided that the downtime isn't so frequent as to bring one's priorities into question. Now, I'll tell ya, Val, that I shoot straight from the hip, and I am not one to coddle someone that needs a good swift kick in the pants more than an excuse not to do what they should be doing, but that's not you! Guilt-tripping is just another way to stress the body unnecessarily, increase those cortisol levels and undermine the work you're going to do today! So stop it! Be happy with your choice to rest, because it was the right one to make. Hugs, Donna E.
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