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Topic: Protein smoothie recipies
Hey gang. Can I get some GOOD protien smoothie recipies? Good as is not bad. LOL
LAP RNY 11/30/04

Topic: RE: I feel like a slug
HI Val, Earl and Stacie. Today I am officially 2 months and 10 days post-op. I was going to go to the gym tonight but have decided to skip it and sleep. I have upped my protien to about 92 to 100 grams a day and am almost getting in 64 oz of water. I have to admit I did not eat much yesterday. Today so far I had 3 pieces of bacon (from Whole Foods YUM) for breakfast, a protein drink for a snack (that was 46 grams of protein) and for lunch I had a cucumber, avacado, swiss cheese and sunflower seed salad with rice wine vinegar. Okay can I get a YUM!
I forgot that I might still be recovering. How long will that last? So I am normal not to have all this mega energy?
LAP RNY 11/30/04
Topic: RE: I feel like a slug
Hi! Sorry you are feeling sluggy today! Just remember you are just getting hot and heavy into working out, so you are probably in a recovery phase too. I get that way on my recovery days sometimes.
BUT....You are also only about 3 months +/- on are still recovering from that, so it isn't going to take tons of stuff to wear you out. Coupled with lack of sleep for 3 ain't no wonder you're feelin' a bit down under!
Are you getting enough protein and calories in now? How abou****er? That will help too.
Take a day or two off, let your muscles heal, then go right back at it. You are having a resting day between your weight training aren't you? Don't try to over do it too fast out of the gate...just nice and steady, then build up as your endurance allows you to!
Hope you feel better! I will think positive thoughts for you while I am pounding the weights tonight! And yes, visualization is GREAT!! It has been proven that if you can visualize yourself doing something, you will have a greater chance of succeeding at what you do. Earl and I are firm believers in that. I do it all the time.
Topic: RE: ...throwing my hat in the door...
That Magic Bullet looks very cool. Is it much smaller then a regular blender? I have a great blender at home but it would be nice to be able to carry something to work. Some of the protein I take with me doesnt always mix up well in just a shaker cup.
Topic: RE: ...throwing my hat in the door...
The Magic Bullet! Yep! That is it! Thanks Earl. Now I think I might have to buy one.
LAP RNY 11/30/04
buckeye john
on 2/7/05 11:56 pm - OH
on 2/7/05 11:56 pm - OH
Topic: RE: ...throwing my hat in the door...
Welcome, Yes, I am one of the lucky ones with little loose skin, but I do have a pretty large scar because of hernia surgery. I had hernia surgery a year after WLS. Doctor cut me from my chest to my groin and placed some mesh in there. As far as suggestions, I like to cover up with tank tops. They cover my scar but they allow the rest of my upper body to show. I think we must look at where we came from. Like Earl says, he feels like a Greek god now...I feel so much better now than I did at 345. I don't think the ladies really care about excess skin, women tend to be more into the personality.... while men seem to be more visual. Good Luck
If that tank top suggestion does not work.... try wearing a tight Speedo swim suit...and the ladies eyes wont go above your waist. We all know that a man like your self has a big "package" and should be display it....just stay out of the cold water because of "shrinkage" factor.
Topic: RE: ...throwing my hat in the door...
Hi Japii. I am only 2 months post-op so I cannot comment about the skin. What I can say is I know I will have to have plastic surgery.
As far as little blenders. There is this product that was on TV called the bullet ( I will confirm that with a friend of mine). It makes single serving smoothies etc. My friend really likes hers and she got it at Bed, Bath and Beyond. I think you can order it on TV as well.
LAP RNY 11/30/04
Topic: I feel like a slug
Ugh.......... I feel like a slug. I went to the gym last night to sweat off what I enjoyed at a super bowl party. OMG I did my 10 minute warm up on the bike, worked my upper body and to finish off I could only do 25 min on the treadmill. When I am lifting I have started to visualize the muscles I am trying to work (kind of a zen thing? or just a weird thing?) and then on the treadmill I visualize every step working off fat.
The problem is I just feel like I have NO energy. How much sleep do ya'll get and is this normal? Oh I did drink a protein drink before I worked out.
OMG this morning I am dragging. Could it be because I have only gotten 6 hours sleep the past 3 nights?
Slug aka KellY (please don't pass the salt)
LAP RNY 11/30/04
Topic: ...throwing my hat in the door...
Hello all...wouldn't blame y'all for not responding as I don't come through here much -despite having this forum on my list of "interests"- yet here I am seeking some advice, so here goes it...
First, men I'm curious: If you're post-op with the excess skin issue, how do you deal with it in public situations. I enjoy the entire post-work out practice of dressing and grooming after hitting the whirlpool (sometimes) and sauna (everytime). I also enjoy chilling poolside/in the pool while on vacation and I must (for mental health purposes) put in some serious beachtime EVERY summer (yup, the whole bit: chairs, umbrella, cooler, picnic basket, magazines, binoculars, towels and tanning -there is no such thing to me as being "too brown"). The women can "cover-up" with one-peice suits and such but I'm unaware of similar -and comfortable but not dorky looking- items for men. Has it been an issue? How do you deal?
(for all)...also about the excess skin, what efforts can be made to minimize it as an issue (short of plastic surgery)? I thought I remember seeing something somewhere about topical applications (cocoa butter? cremes?)
Secondly, also for everyone:
Any suggestions for blenders (brands?, type? retailers?) I was interested a small "one-cup" type for small quantities (I live alone)
Any suggestions for drink tumblers/shakers? (and where to purchase, please!) for mixing protein drinks at home and at work (the gym has a pretty good juice/drink bar and they'll make up stuff upon request).
If you too prefer to stay in "lurk" mode (as I typically do) PLEASE drop me an email response. Use the "email" or go direct: [email protected] (same address as the button)
Thanks in advance for your help...I hope to hear from y'all.
Topic: RE: added new link section to my profile
Also got my profile spruced up tonight and added some before pics to it along with a bunch of other graphics. It's funny how if you angle that camera just right and only take a shot of my head you really can't tell how overweight I am. I've added a few more realistic pics at the end of my profile!! ;) No big white wedding dress to cover everything up!