Recent Posts
Topic: Wednesday sweat
Man, where have I been, seems like a whirlwind, I gotta get caught up on posts, looks like some new members here, cool. Just got back from another business trip, this time the gym was closed Oh well, I will hit it hard straight thru Tuesday starting tonight.
Stability Ball Back Extension: Set 1: 14 reps | Set 2: 14 reps
Dumbbell One Arm Row - elbow close: Set 1: 15 reps @ 40.0 lbs | Set 2: 10 reps @ 35.0 lbs
Plie Squat - dumbbell: Set 1: 15 reps @ 35.0 lbs | Set 2: 10 reps @ 35.0 lbs
Hamstring Curls - seated: Set 1: 15 reps @ 45.0 lbs | Set 2: 10 reps @ 40.0 lbs
Barbell Reverse Curl: Set 1: 15 reps @ 35.0 lbs | Set 2: 10 reps @ 30.0 lbs
Lying Bent Leg Raises: Set 1: 31 reps | Set 2: 31 reps
Bent Leg Crunches: Set 1: 71 reps | Set 2: 71 reps
Topic: Buried in work
Hi guys,
Sorry I'm buried in work projects at the moment and can't post much. Hopefully by the weekend I'll see some time shake loose! Been squeaking in my workouts, just not much time left for posting! Soon, though
Hugs to all, Donna E.
Topic: Short and sweet...
...but to the point.
Just did a speed workout tonight. Basically a pump to get the muscles fed. Per my "trainer".
Here goes:
Speed benching
45# x 6 x 6
65# 8 sets of 3, varied narrow grips, very short rest periods between
DB overhead presses
15# x 12
20# x 6
25# x 6
15# x 8
DB Flyes
15# x 12 x 10 x 10
Super sets Side lateral raises, rear lateral raises
10# for 3 sets
Tricep French Press
15# x 12
20# x 12 x 12
Tricep push downs with the rope
supersets with rope pulls to the face
40# x 12 (each)
45# x 12 (each)
50# x 12 (each)
Abs on the cruch machine
3 sets to burn.
That's all she wrote. Felt good just to pump it up a little. Thursday will be leg day.
Hey...tomorrow's hump day folks! WOOO HOOO
Topic: RE: Saturday on Tuesday
Thanks Stacy! I am feeling it too! I love it.
You just do your best. Right now is really hard for you I know. I have been there!! I know what that's like, so I was just happy to be able to get to the gym and get my workouts in. Never give up.
Upper body has been my weak areas but I am really beginning to like training my arms and chest. Of course, leg days are my Favorites because that is my strong area.
I would like to try lunges but unfortunately my knees protest too much. It really scares me to do some stuff becuase of all the popping and cracking. I won't squat unless I have Earl to spot me, I don't trust anyone else!
Well, I am off again, gotta get that workout in.
Hang in, do your best and that's all that's important!
Topic: RE: monday's workout
ooooohh me too!! I call it my "feel good pain" means my muscles are gonna GROW!
Yeah, I guess we all are a little twisted huh? But daggone it we are gonna look GOOD!
Topic: RE: Saturday on Tuesday
Nice job on the party Earl!!
Val - WOW!!! Your are so strong!! It is so cool to see you post your workouts with the new PB's all the time. You seem to be getting so many stregnth gains lately. I can't wait to have those again. All the inconsistency in the gym has really thrown me off and it has been hard to measure progress. Right now I measure it by showing up and being joint pain free. Last year I was in the same boat as you - I would increase weight almost every session. I miss it!!!!!!!
I think my favorite upper body move has got to be the tricep dumbell french press lying face up. I've been doing them on a flat bench or with a slight incline using 20lb dumbells and usually fail on my 3rd set by the 2nd or 3rd rep. Yesterday when I did them I had to drop to 15 lbs on the 3rd set. I've also been trying to do a lot more dips on the flat bench and using my own body weight. I have to keep my knees bent though by the 2nd set. Dana does them with his legs straight up on a 2nd flat bench the whole time. He ways a 80lbs less then me but sometimes I forget that. I tried to do that and fell right on my butt in front of everyone!! Once I drop some body weight I will work some more on it. The other thing I can't do for the life of me right now is the hanging reverse crunches or the verticle/dip bench reverse crunches. I've never been able to do more then 3 in a row without breaking. Hopefully these might get easier too. Maybe one day I might even be able to pull of lunges again.... imagine that!!! Ok enough daydreaming for me... time to get back to work!
buckeye john
on 2/14/05 11:38 pm - OH
on 2/14/05 11:38 pm - OH
Topic: RE: monday's workout
Hey Michelle We are all demeted here. We all love that sore feeling from building muscle....ok... maybe I should not speak for the group....but I like that sore feeling after a good workout.
Topic: monday's workout
Hi all. Just wanted to stop by. I see that many of you share your workouts so I thought I would share mine too.
Cardio: just about 5.5 miles in 30 min on the bike.
Weights: all upper body and leg press
Sore today which in some demented way I love. =) Have a good day
Topic: RE: Hey Guys Just thoguht i would post my progress
You have got to feel great about yourself! I know we feel great for you!
Topic: Saturday on Tuesday
Hi ya'll!
Well, here it is. My saturday workout posted on tuesday...oops! Well, see, it's like most EXCELLENT husband and I worked out together, went to a movie together and he threw a SURPISE BD PARTY FOR ME on saturday, which was my 40th! I think I am still recovering from the shock and awe of it! That was an awesome day all the way around. I broke pr's at the gym and partied the night away with my friends and love of my life...Now...that's what I call a GREAT day!
Here ya go!
Bench press
always warm up with the bar
65# x 3
75# x 3
85# x 3
95# x 1
100# x 1
1 5# x 1
110# x 1 New PR
115# x almost~~ argh two attempts man I almost had them! I need to work on my explosiveness from the chest. But I will get it.
DB Incline flyes and presses supersets
15# x 3 sets
BB over head presses in the smith machine
warm up with bar
65# x 6
75# x 6
85# x 6
95# x 4 1/2 (hey I gotta take the half...)
Tricep DB French Presses
15# x 12
20# x 12
25# x 6
Rope pulls to face
35# x 12
45# x 12
55# x 12
65# x 12
Tricep push downs
50# x 12
60# x 12
70# x 12
80# x 12
90# x 1 set x breakdown set
Side bends with 20#
3 sets of 12 each side
Only about 10 minutes while waiting on Earl to finish up...hmmm for some sneaky reason he wanted to get out of the gym by a certain time...I should have know he was up to something then....
Ok, well it's back to the gym tonight. I will let you guys know how it went.
Have a great week!