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Topic: RE: Buried in work
It's wearing on me a bit. The last couple of days I haven't had the energy to do weights, but have at least made myself do cardio interval training for 30-45 min. I had to do something or I wouldn't be able to rest well. I'm working way too much and I feel fried. I wanted to go to a support group meeting tonight but I'm just exhausted and I'm gonna hit the gym, do some chest and tri's, a little more cardio, and go home and listen to my hubby and his buddies do some blues jammin' in the livingroom. I'll probably fall asleep
I'll feel better after a gentle workout. I just gotta keep telling myself that.
Then I need to get some pampering this weekend
and maybe some sleep ....just for the heck of it, eh? I feel some flares coming and not surprised...just need to get on the other side so I can get back to what makes me feel good!
Hugs, Donna E.
Topic: RE: Yahoo or AOL IM
Yahoo has this nice invisible mode. You can hide from specific people or all people!! I couldn't live without IM. I'm in touch with Dana often that way during the day. Our entire helpdesk at my hospital keeps up a chat room and we use it to even communicate for work. All of the analysts on my team also use it. It comes in handy we we are in different locations or going wireless and not always in an area where we can get a signal at the hospital on a cell phone. I'm stuck observing Vascular surgical cases all day tomorrow so I can process map the whole case record documentation and supply chain workflow.. fun stuff. I'm sure I will be chatting most of the day from the OR room with my co-workers in my bunny suit.
Topic: RE: Yahoo or AOL IM
Sorry, I don't do that stuff. My kids do, man, multiple messages at a time. Gets too crazy for me, besides, my mom does it too, and I found out that evertime I got online...PING there she was.
Sometimes I enjoy flying under the radar...quick on quick off!
Topic: RE: Can't sleep~
Well, keep us posted. I think that you get out of it what you put into it, so it may be for the best after all is said and done!
Good luck. I know, early day for me too, Grand Rounds today at 7:00am. My body doesn't like being up at 5 am...Throws off everything!!!
Topic: Yahoo or AOL IM
Hi Gang - Not sure if any of you use chat utilities regularly during the day but thought I would mention I am available to chat real time most days on aol or yahoo instant messenger. My screen name for both is "liquidstayce" I run aol instant messenger more than yahoo but can use both.
Topic: RE: Can't sleep~
Thanks Valerie. I fell back to sleep for a couple more hours. Now in early at work. I have my nutrition eval today at 2:45pm so I needed to get an early start in order to leave early. I have to pay out of pocket for it - not even going to try to submit that. I'm probably tossing out my money by going to this appointment at Hopkins but I really liked the nutritionist so maybe it isn't a total waste. I'll take as much info as I can away from the appointment. If it turns out I can't continue with the Hopkins Obesity Center maybe the next place I go it might leave me just that more prepared when I meet with the new nutritionist. I guess I will know more later this morning.
Topic: RE: Can't sleep~
Crossed, double crossed, I will even cross my eyes for you!
Hang in there kiddo, where there's a will there's a way!
I am thinking good thoughts and praying for you
Topic: Can't sleep~
I'm up with a headache. I think it is mostly stress related. Not good because I want to be at the gym bright and early. I'm dealing with assorted insurance issues right now on the WLS and the HR director at work is going to be talking to the VP about my case later this morning. As it stands right now BC/BS won't even open a case on me so I don't even have something to appeal.
I'm probably going to have to start from square one again and switch surgeons. More detail about it in my profile. It's just getting me really down because I had such high hopes for going to this particular surgeon due to his rep and having the Lap procedure. I was even willing to pay the $5500.00 surgeon's fee out of pocket but no way I can afford the hospital and anesthesia fees on my own. I didn't want to have to take off that additional time from work with the open procedure either. Hopefully if I do switch they will accept my nutritional and psyc eval and it won't delay me further. The good news is that a woman on my state boards suggested her surgeon and he is participating for BC/BS Carefirst Bluechoice so I do have some idea of a direction if this doesn't work out with my surgeon at Hopkins.
ok.. headed back to bed to try and zzzzzz
Keep your fingers crossed for me
Topic: RE: Buried in work
Yeah, I post from work fairly often, too. Unfortunately, I am doing both old job and new job until April, and it's a bit overwhelming at the moment!
Calgon, take me away!!!
Hugs, Donna E.
Topic: RE: Buried in work
Oh man that just sucks sometimes! I am feeling ya on that one. We hired another nurse to help out and man has it made all the difference in the world. I thought I was drowning there for a while!
I am just glad that you are ok out there and your fibro isn't keep you down!