Good sweat tonight
Hey gang! Gotta good sweat rolling tonight...some words of advice tho...make sure you eat before you workout, I forgot that I hadn't eaten since lunch time and I had a MAJOR blood sugar drop about 30 minutes into
my workout. I had to stop and eat me some peanut butter and toast. Ew didn't feel good at all...
Ok here we go. I had a good one. Man my ass was draggin' today too after my first night of class last night, I took a nap hit the caffeine and was good to go!
Bench press
Warm up with the bar, stretching
45# x 3
55# x 3
65# x 3
85# x 3
95# x 1
105# x 1 (had to stop here I didn't have a spotter)
DB incline flyes
15# 3 xets of 12
DB over head presses
20# 3 sets of 10
Side lateral raises
10# 3 sets of 12
Tricep push downs
30# x 15
40# x 10
50# x 4 then breakdown set
Hammer Curls
15# x 10 x 6 x 8
Abs Roman chair style with twist
3 sets of maximum reps
Eliptical machine
15 mintues
1865 strides
112.7 calories
145 avg spm
Gotta competition coming up again in August. State fair. It was the first one I ever competed again, so this is like going full circle for me. I am going to deadlift this time too.
Oh, my knee is feeling MUCH better, so good I am going to get the right one shot up too.
Good workout Val, sucks when the fuel tank is empty
Are you lovin the eliptical? I enjoy those when I travel, the home units are knee killers (Huh Kristie), the bigger units at the gyms have a much longer more natural arc that does not hurt. Cannot wait to hear how you do in the competition, let us know.