The weather has finally broken
buckeye john
on 4/14/05 9:06 am - OH
on 4/14/05 9:06 am - OH
Finally, some nice weather in Ohio which means I can run again. I just ran 4 miles and feel great. I think I must be getting that runners high I have been missing all winter I try to do the treadmill in the winter but it is just not the same as the fresh breeze on my face and the sun shining on my back. I am going to change my routine. No more leg days. I will replace my weight training leg days for a running days. I know my legs wont get big and strong running, but I like running so much more than working the legs. So, for now.. I will continue with the upper body routine and drop the lower body program. Wish me luck with my new program. I hope I am not a "chicken legs John" by the end of the summer
Nice job John! I can't wait to be able to run 4 miles. Come to think of it I don't think I've actually every ran continuously before for 4 straight miles. I always did some combo of a walk/run/jog or a rest/sprint deal.
I miss the runners high and just can't wait to get back to it. I dream about running on the beach with Dana in the summer!
I highly doubt you will be chicken legs John.. hahah!! Runners legs are muy sexy... oh man sprinters legs are just HAWT!! Enjoy!
I hope so. I really, really do. Hopefully the damage to my left knee isn't too bad. My left ankle has been problematic too. I know when I am not working out I feel zero pain but for a while there when I was working out it was getting pretty bad. If I laid off it for a few days I was fine but there were times when I would go to sleep at night and it was throbing so much it kept me up. I have not had a good work out in a month so it has not been an issue. Just once in a while when I am laying in bed I must turn it in a funky way when I lift it. I wonder if maybe somehow it gets hyperextended by all the extra weight on my leg. Does that sound weird? Have you guys ever experienced that? Anyway, as the weight starts coming off I will continue to build up very gradually. I would so love to get back to a regular routine and eventually have the option for running instead of just my usual cardio - arc, eliptical, etc. I also am really looking forward to putting a bathing suit on at the end of summer and working on swimming. That should be another nice alternative to give my joints a break while still getting in some good exercise. Once I get back home next friday I am going to start logging every single walk I do each day and put it in fitday!