Depression....don't want to work out
It is funny how we can let things keep us from something that will help with the funk. Many times I have done the same thing, but once you start getting the endorphines flowing your mood elevates, I have even solved issues while working out; ideas have come to me and my outlook changes for the positive once I get moving. Do not beat yourself up, every day is a new opportunity.
Yep, been there done the shirt, handbag, matching shoes and hat!
First, dont' beat yourself up. That used to be my game too. The guilt will kill ya, it's counterproductive and no good for anyone. Ok, so you missed a few days, so what. Everyday is a do over!!!
Workouts will pump you up tho. Sometimes I find when I am in my deepest "funk" that is actually the best time to work out. Mike is absolutely right in his post. I usually just empty my head, let the music roll through it, feel it, and just work the hell out of the iron. By the end of the workout I feel so much better, and I sleep like a baby. The next day I always feel 1000% better.
Also, it's ok to take what Earl and I like to call "slug" days. Give yourself that once in a while. Sometimes you just need it.
But on days like you are having Earl just gives me the proverbial kick in the arse and says GO WORK OUT YOU WILL FEEL BETTER!!!
And you know what, he's right.
So, NO GUILT!!! Start over tomorrow.

Thanks for the support guys! I did finally make it back to the gym last night.
My body can tell I took a full week off - but I do feel better since working out! I think I just needed a break because I do generally go to the gym 5x a week - but doing routines that are equivalent to working out 7x a week.
I do have a lot on my plate right now with my certification test coming up this weekend....but that's the least of my concerns....I became a victim of identity theft last week (warning: don't use your credit card on the internet to make purchases - even from "secured" sites...) Then Monday My neighbor informed me that he watched my lawn mower get stolen. And to top it off my car that has been in the shop for 6 weeks hadn't even been STARTED on and I NEED it this weekend! (I wound up putting it in a different shop and it's now finished....for less money! (Yeah - a good thing!) Oh yeah - I forgot to mention that I also help coach a little league base ball team in my "spare" time......think I'm over doing it a bit?
I'm hoping that the "funk" will be over soon.....if not I will just have to roll with the punches and not let it get me down!
Thank you all for listening to me.....sometimes I need to get out from my cocoon and be the "butterfly" this surgery wants me to be!
Dee Dee