Seeing RED!!!!
Ok, so much for my workout tonight.
I decided to take an EAS supplement prior to working out. It was called Nitron 5 (I think). ANYWAY... got the bar, warming up stretching out feeling good...ready to get a big ol bench press work out in, then it happened.
My face started feeling really warm, then warmer, next thing I knew I felt like someone had just painted my whole face with fire, and now it was on my arms and hands... OMG!!! I looked like I was burning right in front of my eyes...I knew it had to be the supplement. It has arginine ~ which isn't that bad, but it also had a large dose of Niacin in it. SO, as I am watching this intense red blotch on my hands, wind up my arms and my face feeling like it was burning off I began to panic. All I could think of was liver failure...
Sometimes I wish I wasn't a nurse... I think I know too much. Anyway...I freaked heart was pounding, my skin was I called Earl and decided to go into the urgent care, but half way there I figured I was overreacting and maybe I should just go home. But, I wanted someone else to see this so I went over to his work, and made him drag one of his guys who is also an EMT out to see it!
Long story short we figured it must be the niacin, and it can infact cause liver damage if toxic levels are reached. LORDY LORDY LORDY...I am not a very good nurse when I am in the thick of it!
But, it totally hosed my workout. I am sitting her feeling the effects of the benadryl and ready to I think that fact made me the most angry of all. your supplements folks. I should have known to try 1/2 a dose instead of a whole does. I tend to forget with a shortened guy we hit the bloodstream with stuff a lot faster than before and it gets to the liver quicker too.
It seems to be much better, altho I am itching a little, and my forehead still feels like the skin is burning some...owchie!
I hope you all had a good evening. I know one of these days I will have a good laugh over this....
My head hurts.
Val, not good. I would never have thought of niacin! I guess I have alot more research to do.
Is it like an allergic reaction? Is it something that everyone should watch out for? Or is it just certain people? I am alergic to latex. I did CPR on Annie(the doll) and my lips swelled up past my nose. My neighbor told me I looked like a blow up doll. Lucky me! I gave myself an epipen in the thigh and went to the emergency room. Not nice.
Ew that doesn't sound pretty at all! I am allergic to latex too, and I am in the best profession for it! That's probably where I got that from. I will have to call you Tammy the blow fish! You can call me "red" hahaha your blown up lips and my red face..hey!! Two new super heroes!
I don't think it was so much of an allergic reaction, but more of an over sensitivity to it. I am going to have to see if that would be considered and allergic reaction or not. I know that it is supposed to cause vaso dilation and boy howdy did it!
So, goes to show, just gotta try stuff in small doses before doing a big one I guess. I was looking up niacin and arginine and they are using it more frequently in diseases that need increased vasodilation. Pretty interesting stuff. It is what they are calling the "natural" viagra. hmmmm sure didn't have no viagra effect on me that's for sure...