Yahoo or AOL IM
Yahoo has this nice invisible mode. You can hide from specific people or all people!! I couldn't live without IM. I'm in touch with Dana often that way during the day. Our entire helpdesk at my hospital keeps up a chat room and we use it to even communicate for work. All of the analysts on my team also use it. It comes in handy we we are in different locations or going wireless and not always in an area where we can get a signal at the hospital on a cell phone. I'm stuck observing Vascular surgical cases all day tomorrow so I can process map the whole case record documentation and supply chain workflow.. fun stuff. I'm sure I will be chatting most of the day from the OR room with my co-workers in my bunny suit.
I will have to check into that. We are so limited as to what we can and can't do. I know that the IS department most likely has all the goodies and we just get "watched" by Big Brother.
I barely have time to do my posts at night!
teenage daughters usually monopolize the computer and I am going non stop at work most of the time. I am usually out and about in the clinic seeing patients all day.
I am still a good ol fashioned face to face person I guess! I would probably keel over if I couldn't talk anymore!