Short and sweet...
...but to the point.
Just did a speed workout tonight. Basically a pump to get the muscles fed. Per my "trainer".
Here goes:
Speed benching
45# x 6 x 6
65# 8 sets of 3, varied narrow grips, very short rest periods between
DB overhead presses
15# x 12
20# x 6
25# x 6
15# x 8
DB Flyes
15# x 12 x 10 x 10
Super sets Side lateral raises, rear lateral raises
10# for 3 sets
Tricep French Press
15# x 12
20# x 12 x 12
Tricep push downs with the rope
supersets with rope pulls to the face
40# x 12 (each)
45# x 12 (each)
50# x 12 (each)
Abs on the cruch machine
3 sets to burn.
That's all she wrote. Felt good just to pump it up a little. Thursday will be leg day.
Hey...tomorrow's hump day folks! WOOO HOOO