Saturdays workout posted Sunday!
I will be back later with Sunday's workout, assuming that I can walk out of the gym. Earl is planning to give me the works today! Since it's just his walking day he can spend some time with ME!! Cuz you know it's all about ME!!
New PR's today..woo hooo!
65 for 3
75 for 3
85 for 1
95 for 1
100 for 1 NEW PR
105 for 1 NEW PR!
It's coming back, little by little, I hope to be at 150 by August!
DB flyes superset with DB bench presses on the incline bench
3 sets each with 15# (rep out then immediately switch)
Side laterals 10# for 3 sets (just rep out)
DB French press (rep out)
10# 1 set
15# 1 set
20# 1 set
Rear lats on incline bench - tired these make my shoulder pop...not good
Switched to Rope pulls and those work better
45# for 3 sets of 12
Dips on machine
100# x 8 x 9 x 10
Tricep push downs
55# x 12
60# to burn (rep out)
65# rep out
75# rep out then breakdown sets
Abs on a crunch machine (sorry don't know the name)
3 sets to burn (good slow contractions ~ great burn)
Cardio 25 minutes on the eliptical. WHEW! Got a good sweat going on that one. I always have to make myself do this. I love the eliptical but I am tired after my workout, but I do it and I always feel great afterward.
Now, I am off to wake up the big man and get the leg show on the road!
buckeye john
on 1/30/05 12:40 pm - OH
on 1/30/05 12:40 pm - OH
Ok, Its fine to work out togther......but no PDAs (public displays of affections) in the gym. Just work out.... and no kissy face.
buckeye john
on 1/30/05 10:55 pm - OH
on 1/30/05 10:55 pm - OH
I know my buddy Earl would never give a PDA in the gym. I do see couples in my gym cling to each other and I want to say to them ..."Hey buddy ..go get a room... You are taking up precious lifting space that I need.., this is a gym not a hotel room"