My Turn!

Valerie C.
on 1/23/05 12:11 pm - Grove City, OH
Hi guys! Went to the gym with Earl today. I am liking this Powershack Membership already. It will be nice working out with my hubby two days a week!! We didn't have a lot of time, so I packed in what I could. I am remembering how different it is lifting with the bar instead of the smith machine. I love it. Definately takes much more work which is a good thing. Squats 95# x 3, 115# x 3, 125# x 1, 135# x 2 (I did a second one because I wasn't quite happy with the depth of the squat on the first one) Leg presses/calf raises supersest 95# x 20 for 2 sets each Leg extensions 25# for 1 set, 35# for 2 sets Seated leg curls 25# for 3 sets Lat pulldowns 50# for 1 set, 60# for 1 set, 70# for 1 set Back rows 50# for 1 set, 60# for 1 set, 70# for 1 set Shrugs 25# x 15, Diesel shrugs 15# x 15 x 15 Hammer curls 10# 3 sets of 10 Barbell curls 20# for 3 sets That's all folks...had to scoot out so Earl could get to work! It's amazing how different equipment can make a lot of difference in the amount of weight you use. The gears and pulleys and resistance. At the fitness center I could do 45 pounds on the leg extensions and curls, with Powershack they have totally different equipment and 25# felt like a TON! But, I got a great quick workout in. Ok, tomorrow starts a new week!! Hope ya'll have a good one! Val
buckeye john
on 1/23/05 12:25 pm - OH
Nice Job, I experienced the same thing when I switched from World Gym to the YMCA. All the weights were different. I lift with my wife too and we like
Valerie C.
on 1/23/05 9:02 pm - Grove City, OH
Yeah, at first I was upset about the numbers, what is it with me and numbers anyways? But I am feeling it, boy howdy. So I know it's working numbers or not! I LOVE working out with Earl. I am sure I totally get on his nerves. He puts up with a lot from me. But hey, I am cute and I'm worth it! What can I say?
Donna E.
on 1/23/05 11:45 pm - Durham, NC
Wow that is so cool that you guys can work out together! I'd LOVE to get my husband to work out with me, but so far can't get him motivated to do it with me, which is quite frustrating at times because he doesn't exercise. It's just not his *thing*. He's one of those people who's been skinny or at least slender most all of his life and never had to diet or exercise to maintain. So he's not developed the focus on it that I have. I think the fact that it is something that I am advanced in doing and he's seen that plenty of times makes him shrink from doing it. I did get him in there playing a little with it, very briefly, then he just stopped going and always had an excuse. So I finally stopped nagging him to do it because I don't like nagging and I know he doesn't like being nagged. Who does? However, even though he doesn't work out with me, I have a great workout partner that we *both* like. I wasn't sure at first how that would work out, as I didn't have a workout partner for a very long time because there were no other women at the gym with the same focus or commitment that I had in the gym, not so *hard core* about it, which is ok, just left me without a workout partner. Hubby finally suggested that I find one of the guys to workout with, and I was kind of suprised. He said, "Look babe, chances are pretty slim that you will find a woman who wants to workout like you do, but there are plenty of guys up there who do, so it makes sense for you to start working out with one of the guys." I'm like, "Are you sure, honey?" Yep, he was sure. And it has gone well. Mark isn't someone that I *hang out* with or anything; we workout together and that's pretty much it, besides my hubby and me taking him out for his birthday. I sometimes call him "Bam Bam" and other times just "The Horse". He's built like a brick wall and *very* strong, but it works out well because he is just as invested in really focused workouts and consistent dedication his fitness objectives, so we are compatible that way. The funny thing was that he actually approached me to be his workout partner, rather than me asking him. That's funny to me because I am comparatively the new kid on the block at that gym, though he's been going there for years. It's also nice that he's only interested in doing one thing with me, and that's workout. I like being *one of the guys*! With kindest regards, Donna E.
on 1/23/05 5:37 pm - Zinfandel, CA
Awesome Val!!! Love hammer curls
Valerie C.
on 1/23/05 9:05 pm - Grove City, OH
Thanks Mikee! I like the hammers too! It was the last thing I did so my arms were good and pumped up. I watch in the mirror when I do them...way cool! The best part about Powershack is I can make some noise when I work out. That helps getting those last couple of reps in!!
buckeye john
on 1/23/05 9:24 pm - OH
I know what you mean about the mirror thing. I love to watch the arms while I work them. They say it really help with the "mind body connection"
Donna E.
on 1/23/05 11:51 pm - Durham, NC
Hiya Val, I know what you mean about making some noise; that's the way it is for me at my gym, too, though I've been in gyms where making any noise was discouraged (like the corporate gym at my work--they actually have signs posted like "some may find your noise distasteful, so please be quiet when you workout and don't disturb others") Of course, when I'm working out and working heavy and hard, I get teased about it! One day my daughter came to meet me at the gym so I could take her shopping afterwards and it was leg day, and when she came in, she told the girl at the desk that she was looking for me, and before she could answer, Ma'idah heard a sort of half scream half groan from the back and said "it's ok, that's my mom now!" Cheers..Donna E.
on 1/24/05 12:05 am - Zinfandel, CA
on 1/24/05 12:06 am - Zinfandel, CA
Oh yeah, absolutley gets the last two in.
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