Another day in the books!
Hi guys! Man, I am really happy with myself these days. I have been so consistent on my training, more than I have been in a while. I basically decided where this ranked on the priority/importance list of the my things I need to do and it was right up there. My teens are having a little bit of an issue with me doing this, but I don't care. This is my ME time. My reward. I only have myself to blame, I am the one who spoiled them, so I guess I will be the one to unspoil them!
Here goes!
DB bench press 15# warm up, 20# for 3 sets of 12
DB Flyes~incline 10# for 3 sets of 12
Overhead DB presses 12.5# for 3 sets of 12
Side laterals 7.5# for 3 sets of 12 (these are getting a little easier with time)
Dips on the machine 115# for 3 sets of 12. I was amazed at how easy this was. I will be bumping up next week. I am really happy with the way my strength is coming back!!
Tricep press 27.5# for 3 sets of 12
Overhead DB extensions 7.5# for 3 sets of 12 (short rest periods for purposes of a pump)
Abs on the machine (mix it up a little) 62.5# to burn, 75# for 2 sets to burn.
Eliptical for post work out cardio
25 minutes (gym was closing)
126 average heart rate
142 max
According to the machine I had 17 minutes in the zone, but I KNOW it was more than that because it spent half the time searching for my pulse...John I think I will take you up on that hr monitor!!
3110 strides (this is steadily going up!)
181 calories burned.
Sorry there is no way to count the bedroom cardio...but I had some of that too!
Pre workout! WOO HOO Just burning those calories everywhere....Sorry said to post my workouts! Not to mention the housework. Can you burn calories dealing with teenage girls? I think that might just be brain cells I smell burning.
Ok, that's it. Off to the showers then to my favorite place...WALMART!
Have a great saturday night guys and dolls!
All kidding girls are good kids, and I wouldn't trade them for anything. Well, maybe large sums of money in unmarked bills....

Lord I will tell you today was one of those days I would have traded both of them for almost nothing!!!!! aaaggghhhh
I train on a two day split now, Tues/Thurs, Sat/Sun. Tues and Sat I do Chest/triceps/delts/abs. Thurs/Sun I do Legs/back/bicep. I usually get my cardio in on Tues and Saturdays because my leg day is just freakin' killer. If I feel I have it in me I do cardio those days, I pretty much leave it up in the air.

Hiya Valerie,
I train on a 4-day split, though I have done 5-day splits, I like the 4-day split best for me. It looks like this:
Day 1: legs & glutes
Day 2: chest & tris
Day 3: back & bis
Day 4: shoulders & traps
Then I start over again. This allows me to do a mega workout on those muscle groups that day, since I only have those muscle groups to work. I finish my weights every day in 45min-1hr, though legs I complete in 45 minutes and I'm spent after that! I take a day off when I need to, and pick up next day with whatever is next after the last one. So I might do Day 1 legs, then I might need to take off the next day for some reason, then the next day I would do Day 2, but otherwise, I just keep going. I never do cardio on leg day; just too much, though I do abs if I have the energy (15 min max). I try to do cardio one day, and abs the next, so they both get done every other day. When I do cardio, it depends on how much time I have that day to do it, but I try to do at least 20-30 min cardio each time, up to an hour. My objective with cardio generally is heart training, and secondarily when needed, to shake off some fat, like right now. Because I'm trying to shake off some fat from my recent down-time, I try to do some cardio every day except leg day until it is back to 130 lbs.
You were mentioning in another post about your girls giving you a hard time about working out. At first, my daughter felt that I was being selfish to be so dedicated to my workouts after my surgery, since I think she felt that my first priority should be for being at her disposal for her schedule. She tried to guilt trip me, but that didn't go too far with me. I had decided that I needed to put my needs first, too, and this was a need for me. Now after all this time and the amazing results of all that hard work, she gets its importance for me, and that sometimes it is necessary to be selfish in order to take care of ourselves. I am now able to do more for her and everyone and myself now that I am fit and healthy, so she no longer begrudges me the time commitment.
With kindest regards, Donna E.
buckeye john
on 1/16/05 11:03 am - OH
on 1/16/05 11:03 am - OH
you two are just so are not the only ones that did cardio in the bedroom..... I did my bedroom cardio after my workout.....woo hoo. I am just burning all kinds of calories this weekend too.