What a day yesterday was!
Hi guys!
Ever have one of those horrible awful terriffic wonderful days where your life is just like a roller coaster??? Oh, Lord stop the ride I wanna get off.....
Hope you all don't mind, just gotta vent/share with ya'll. Guys, sorry it's a woman thing, it may get long and winded so I will allow you to hit the high points and move on... there will however be a quiz next Wedesday....
Ok, woke up with a migraine. Not a good way to start the day. Just felt like hell. I gave blood on friday and I am wondering if I was just dehydrated? Who knows, anyways. Went to do the BodPod thing.
Here's my results. I was REALLY upset. I think maybe because I was focused on the wrong numbers instead of the right ones. Thank you Earl and John for making me realize that I am doing good and that I should be happy with my figures... and "figure" so on goes the training.
Here's the results: (John this is for you sweetie!)
Total weight 154.05
ok, freaked on this one until I realized that my size 10 pants (Banana Rep low riders no less!) fit me better than ever and I was reassured multiple times that this was MUSCLE weight not fat
Body fat % 34.1
Ok next freak out! OMG!!! There is no freakin' way. But once again I was made to realize that when I started my journey my % was roughly around 60%!! Cut it in half, then there is organ fat, the fat attatched to some loose skin..etc. etc.
But here's where I failed to see the important part...
Lean body weight 101.5 pounds
Fat weight 52.6 pounds
HOLY COW Almost 102 pounds of me is LEAN MUSCLE!
The average woman only has about 80+/- pounds of lean muscle.
My short term goal is to get down to 145. By dropping 9 pounds of fat and adding 1 pound of lean muscle I will be at 30% body fat. I am going to use this as a gauge to work on building my lean muscles mass. Ok, so by the time this appt was over, the stomach issues started.
I totally dumped all day. Now, I am wondering if it was stress from the appointment, or some bug or whatever, either way I was miserable. Layed down all day. Sick sick sick.
Mustered myself up to go to a Rodeo (tickets courtesy of my friend) and by that time the stomach had eased off. Got picked to do a chance to win 150$ gift certificate to Rod's Western palace (involved running in my socks through "barn dirt" finding my boots and running back) I came in second to a guy. How's that? I had to run guys and almost won!!! My boobs almost popped out on tv, but hey...It's famly enterainment and if Janet can do it by God so can I! After the Rodeo we were entertained by Phil Vasser (OMG HOT HOT HOT he and his bass player wooo hooo) But by the end of the show I was in so much pain I could hardly walk to the truck.
Get home, watch my spot on 10 tv and it was AWESOME!!! Earl looked great. I wished you all could have seen it. We were actually a good 5 minute segment of the show. How cool is that?
By then, I think I realized that I just needed to push fluids so between the koolaid and chicken noodle soup and rolaids I finally started feeling better.
What a ride.
I will say today I feel better, I do feel like I was rode hard and put away wet yesterday, but at least I can face another day!
Thanks gang for letting me get all that out.
Much love to my homies and now it's off to get my workout in.

buckeye john
on 1/10/05 12:35 am - OH
on 1/10/05 12:35 am - OH
We have all had those days from hell. We can relate. Thank you so much for the courage to post your results. We must remember where we started. Also, 102 lbs of LLM is AWSOME. It keeps your resting metabolism very high. The fun part comes when you go back and see the LLM grow. During my first follow up, I gained 5 lbs of LLM. If you are lifting you will see that number increase. Keep it up!! Also, You and Earl looked great on TV!!!. You doing squats and Earl doing Lat raises. A very good looking couple I might add.....lol...You were an inspiration the the Columbus community tha****ched the "Commit to be fit" program on TV.
Valerie, I hate to stick my nose in someone else's conversation, so tell me if I'm being nosey. What's an RMR? I really have to say that you are an inspiration to me. I just got done reading your profile. My husband and I both had the surgery a month apart and we workout together almost every day. Thanks!
Jennifer Williams
Oh, and by the way, my husband will graduate in May with his bachelors in Nursing. He loves it so far!
You are so silly...you aren't being nosey at all!!!
Resting Metabolic Rate. It lets you know how many calories you use just to "exist". For example. If your RMR is 1500, then you can take in up to 1500 calories and not gain weight. Once you go over that, that's when the weight comes on and you have to work to expend those extra calories to keep them from being stored as fat. Did that make sense? I don't know how else to explain it....where's John, he knows this stuff inside and out!!
Thank you, I am flattered when people tell me that. I just want to help others to be a successful as they can be. This surgery is an awesome tool.
I think the "tag team" is a great thing. Husbands and wives who share the surgery experience grow so together with it. You are experiencing something that can really enhance your partnership. We didn't have kids together, we had surgery...that's our baby!
You tell your hubby great job for me!! I love being a nurse. I can't imagine doing anything else.
Hang with us on the board...we have a lot a great people here!