Sunday Monday combo
Hi gang! I am back! YEAH!!!!!
I got two "mini" work outs in yesterday and today. Man was that nice. The kids went back to school today, so at least I can now get my workouts in while Meagan is at afterschool practice and I don't have to drive all over hell's half acre!
Sunday I did resistance band work. That was a really good little work out. I worked my delts, triceps, biceps and forearms. Meagan also showed me some of the exercises they do for cheerleading for your abs and legs. Folks, those are killer! I couldn't figure out why my hip was sore until tonight. I tried to do one of the ones she showed me from last night....holy cow. But I am noticing my flexibility is getting much better.
Tonight was a quickie leg workout.
Leg extensions 30# 12X12X12
Leg curls 20# 12x12x10 (last set was a killer for some reason)
Resistance work for inner thighs (good ol thigh does get a good burn going)
one legged calf raises, 3 sets for each leg to burn.
Short, sweet and to the point. I had very little rest time between sets and got a really good leg burn tonight.
Feels good to be back at it. I have missed it so much.
Hope you all are having a good week!!