this is my first time to post. I had the lap band over a year ago, as well as my husband. Its a journey we are taking together. Last week my husband signed us up for the gym. No problem there, we both need the excercise. and with the gym comes 3 free sessions a peice with a trainer. still no problem there, seeing as we have no clue what we are doing. Here is the problem I am having with this. There are certain things me and my husband cannot physically eat. Bread, pasta, rice , meat that isn't moist these get gummed up and hurt. Our trainer wants us to eat 6 times a day, no biggie just spread out what i eat through out the day. but I cant eat most of the things he wants us too. since you guys have had weightloss surgery, and are toning, bodybuilding, maybe you guys can help us out with a plan that will suit us. not a "standard" plan.