Question of the day!
Hi gang!
I have a great question. It came to me in an epiphany driving my kids around yesterday...divine intervention? hhmmmmm

Does anyone keep records of their workouts? I did at one point and I am considering doing it again. I think it helps keep us consistent. It is really good for powerlifting because you can see where your are gaining strength and pinpointing your weak areas.
For example:
Date Start time How you are feeling that day
Finish time
List each exercise
amount of weight X number of reps
Earl is really good about this, I basically am not. He has done it for 30 years so, practice makes perfect.
Then every so often we would do measurements
It kind of works as a checks and balance. At the end of the workout I would put how I felt...tired, pumped, pulled a muscle, etc..
Then at the next workout I would know where I was before and try to go up from there.
I think it is time to start again. I gotta get more consistent!!! I love my workouts. I just wish my schedule was a little more forgiving sometimes!
Have a good one guys!
BTW how do you guys get those "hot" things or icons to come up with your titles? I have tried to figure it out...but duh?

I know, it is a really great system, but I am like most people...I always have good intentions but somehow...they get lost. Then I get frustrated with myself, so sometimes I wonder if it is worth it for those of us who are not anal.
I swear Annie, I read your post and I agree with Mike. You and Earl have got to be long lost relatives. It was like I was talking to him while I was reading your post! 

He is the excel king around here.
Oh oh oh oh LOOK GUYS!! I GOT A HOT!! 

Doesn't take much does it?
Well, I am gonna try to get a work out in today. So far the kiddies at the pool seem to be behaving themselves.
This is when having a gym in your garage is nice.
And Kevin, you are right, I forgot the best part of that line with the Africa Hot thing. Sounds like it was too hot to even think let alone get pissed! I would never leave my house because I wouldn't even want to put clothes on in that kinda heat.

You are right about Earl. I am very blessed. I think I am the lucky one to be sure. He is truly one in a million. How many guys do you know that will walk into a relationship with three kids (one of whom has a serious mental illness diagnosis) and take over? He came with a steady job and a lot of patience! Imagine that? Of course there are days when I just want to throttle him
but I am sure I am not the easiest person to live with!
Had to kiss a lot of toads to get to him
but I finally found my prince charming.
I think I will keep him for a while!
Excel is a neat program. I just have him set it up, he shows me where to put the numbers in and I do. I don't know about all the other stuff behind it, couldn't make up a spread sheet if my life depended on it, but it is great to keep records on.

I understand the toad kissing
believe me.
I am at a point in life where I am much more concerned about being happy with myself (wls, lifting, fixing up my house, etc) than with dating. I'm sure I'll go a little boy crazy when I lose a bunch of weight, within reason. It would be nice one day to find "The right Guy" but I am holding my breath no longer.