My turn!! How's everybody's diet doing?
Ok guys, I pulled a Mike and Earl! I got the first post today!!
Well, I decided to completely analyze every bit of food that went into my mouth yesterday. (mommentary anal lapse, least it's over now)
Ok totals folks:
1119 Calories
108 g Protein
92 g Carbs
20 g Fat
Aprox 70-80 ounces of fluids (including coffee and water)
40 minute leg and ab workout (thanks Earl for pushing me on the new ab exercises!)
According to what I should be getting since I am working out my goal ranges were (based on caloric intake)
112 g Protein
112 g Carbs
25 g Fat
I think I did pretty good! But I will tell you, all that record keeping was grueling, but I think it is a good idea to do once in a while to audit yourself.
What did I eat, well, let me tell you...
1/2 c Kashi Go Lean cereal with 1 c Carb Countdown 2% milk
2 ounces baked Salmon
3/4 c mashed yam with splenda, margerine cinnamon and nutmeg
cheese and crackers
1/4 turkey sandwich with sunchips (prior to workout)
the other half after workout
cheese and crackers as bedtime snack.
Through out the day I sipped on my H20 mixed with whey protein.
I am going to send this list to my nutritionist and see what she says. I will let you know what her assessment is too. I am really curious about that.
Have a good one guys!
Hey that's how you learn! Ask away!
A little bit of everything really. I weighed the Salmon, used measuring cups and used the amounts off of the food labels. I don't put anything in my mouth unless I can read the label with all the calories, sugars etc. Plus I have this great book I had to buy for one of my classes. It lists just about every food known to mankind. Earl got it at a Barnes & Nobles. I think you can find it just about anywhere. It is by Corinne T. Netzer, "The Complete Book Of Food Counts". It is in paper back. The ISBN Number is 0-440-22564-7. I think we paid about 8$ for it and it has been worth every penny. The only thing it doesn't list is the grams of sugars or sugar alcohol. But it is a great tool otherwise. A lot of times I do just "eyeball" things. After a while of doing things over and over you get a good idea of how to measure it out. But I am definately a label reader. You really gotta watch the serving sizes too. Because some small packages look enticing, but the amounts listed for one serving may only be like 1/3 the package or something like that.
Hope this helps!
Thanks Mike! Somebody had to try to fill your shoes. and it wasn't easy...
You are just too funny!
I will tell you, it took a lot out of me to do that! We missed your posts this weekend! Glad you are back. But to be honest, I really need to give you the kudos! You are a great motivator and I took the lead from you.
right back atcha!
This board has really helped me so much, I can't tell EVERYONE how much I appreciate their posts, and encouragement. Thanks Mike for getting it rolling and Earl for telling me about it!
Sounds like you guys in California really know how to I am so jealous! I wish we had something like that here in Ohio. I told Earl that California people got it going on!
And believe me...just as soon as Earl's energy levels are better...we are gonna get that room!
He's doing so good I keep forgetting sometimes that he is only about 4 1/2 weeks out.
Ok, well it's Monday...Let's all have a great week!!