TGIF Workout
1 just got a call that they want me to cut my vacation short and come back to work early...what a vacation buster. It's just 1 day but now I'll be thinking about that all week.
Friday ARM DAY!!!!
1:40 pm to 2:45 pm
walk and abs for 10 min to warmup
Close Grip Floor Press
DB Curls
DB French Supersetted with Hammer Curls
Icarian Scott Curls supersetted with pushdowns
Cybex Tricep Dips supersetted with Concentration curls
Barbell wrist curls
Pump baby!!!! I love arm day. (I swore I'd never use the "L" after the divorce...but's arm day) It's all about the pump.
Have a good weekend everyone. It's State Fair time in Ohio....I smell an Elephant ear in my future.
The Secret:
1. Show up
2. Work Hard
3. Repeat