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on 10/22/20 8:19 pm
Should I be concerned that my doctor Told me I'll be the heaviest Patient she ever had To operate on
Help me my daughter doesn't want me to have surgery, I weigh over 600lbs and my daughter says I should not have surgery, and I should just eat right and exercise.What should I tell that I need surgery to help me loss weight.
How old is your daughter? Seems like she's old enough to understand but refuses to.
If she lives with you, tell her she can get on board or get out.
If you live with her, tell her you are an adult, more or less, and are allowed to make your own decisions. You have supported her when she did stupid stuff, so now it's her turn.
If neither of those work, try profanity.
We don't need our kids permission to live our lives. They can help or expletive-off. Their choice.
do people treat you differently after weight loss surgery
Well, kids and adults no longer run into poles because their staring at me.
People don't set up special chairs for me anymore.
I, on the other hand, still treat most people with the contempt they deserve.
I'm still a anti-social curmudgeon. Get off my lawn.
I weight over 500 lbs I just want to know has anyone had success with the surgery who weight 500 lbs or over
I lost down to a normal BMI and below.
This allowed me to start walking, then running, then run 5 marathons in a year.
Kayaking. Horseback Riding. DisneyWorld.
I am happy with my life.
My surgery works the same as it ever did. I still eat mostly to basic rules. No counting calories, no scale, no nothing.
I weigh over 600 lbs , How can I Tell People and my daughter I'm Have Weight Loss Surgery
You don't have to.
I was likewise over 600 pounds. I told my spouse, my parents.
I didn't tell our grown kids, co-workers (except CEO, because we need to plan).
It's your life. YOUR LIFE.
The kids were shocked to see me two years later. This is when I told them.
When people at work started noticing, I smiled and said thank you. They stared at me like I was an idiot because I didn't say more. I liked that.
Hi there! Almost a Year Post OP!!!! How do you feel? I am looking for things I can look forward to and I am getting nervous since I am almost to the stage where everything is submitted for approval/surgery.
I have gained and lost a lot over the years and I always found that people DID treat me differently. I am guessing the same will occur after I have surgery. But, I also assume I will also be treating myself differently so it's a full circle!
I think I posted to a similar thread in a different forum, but I hope your daughter realizes that this is for your health and as long as you have an experienced surgeon who knows what he/she is doing, AND you've undergone the proper classes/education to sustain a healthier lifestyle going forward, you are in good hands for success.
Have her go to classes with you if she is feeling uneasy so she can learn about the process along with you!