Help my mother with doesn't support me have weight loss surgery

on 10/7/21 7:36 pm

Help my mother with doesn't support me have weight loss surgery, she keeps saying it is the easy way out or if I lose weight I will just gain all back, she does not understand weight over 700 pounds is very hard for me to live life.

on 10/12/21 10:25 am
RNY on 11/20/21

Do it anyway. It's not the easy way out by a long shot, but that doesn't matter. What matters is that YOUR health is important and that YOU are important enough to do this.

on 3/7/22 9:28 pm, edited 3/14/22 6:15 pm

You have to explain her that you can't stay like this anymore, it becomes dangerous for your health. You need this surgery so you can start a new life, a healthy lifestyle. If she still doesn't want to go for a surgery, I would recommend you to use injectable hcg. In this way, she will start losing weight without doing any activities, but it's also important to limit the number of daily calories that she takes from food, so the result will be faster. She needs to start eating healthy.

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